Socialism in the Mainstream

An excellent commentary on Socialism as the new norm with its true character now unrecognizable and acceptable. by Gary Hancock Thirty years ago, and before, the word “socialism” or “socialist” evoked a rather basal angst in the stomach of most Americans, socialism was then widely acknowledged as the archenemy and the antithesis of the American system. The American system based on individual sovereignty, free markets and limited government, was contrary to the socialist system which is based on widespread government control (even ownership of the means of production) and anti-individualism. Socialism’s doctrines were hard fought against in years past. In World War II, it was a fight against the National Socialists of Germany. The Cold War pitted us against the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Both the Korean and Vietnam conflicts were fought at least in part to push back the spread of socialism (and its close relative communism). Some might squabble that those ins...