by Robby Bowling

How was it that we came to Elect (Select) or allow RIGGED ELECTIONS that gave this Country a Muslim Marxist Tyrant....He, She or It would have been a perfect fit as a Dictator in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan or Some other "Third World Country,".....If you Listen to his Hateful Rhetorical Blathering you'd SWEAR he was the Supreme Leader of anyone of them....Haven't we HIT the bottom yet? This Homo-Commie-Muslim is no BETTER , nor SMARTER than the DONKEY Excrement Fools he PLAYS Footsie with.... I'm starting to believe that if the Mythical American Electorate had COTTON for Brains, there wouldn't be enough to make a Q-Tip

What will we do when we finally figure out (IF) we've been HAD....and we've gone beyond the point of "NO RETURN".....You know it doesn't a "Brain Scientist" to figure out...WE HAVE SERIOUS PROBLEMS HERE! ....Yet it seems all we do (at best) is talk about it....Is this going to HEAL or FIX itself.....I DON'T THINK SO!...

Let's be Honest here, HATE was the PATHOGEN used to DIVIDE & DESTROY the WORLD, let alone AMERICA....We allowed a FEW GREEDY Narcissistic Sociopath's to Bate us ALL with the divisive, demeaning, demonstrative, delusional Rhetorical Expertise they Spew out with every Breath & Belch (Flatulence) they make...

What bothers me the most is that until we Discovered a way to RENDER the BRAIN Function-less....We actually had the CAPACITY to Rise up above our Problems & With GOD at our SIDE , DESTROY the Evil or at least put it in a DARKENED CORNER of the Universe.... I guess that's been Bred & Brainwashed out of us....

In this DAY & AGE....FREE WILL is Doing what this Communist Muslim loving Government Tells us...To Do...

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