French media silent on savage murder of an elderly Orthodox Jewish woman

Dr. Sarah Halimi was the victim of a savage antisemitic murder in a Paris suburb in April. Photo: CRIF. If the following article does not make the reader feel outrage and/or fear for the future of Western Civilization, nothing will: "This is a hate crime. This savage hatred and violence is central to the teachings of Islam. The media, the government, they know. Hence the silence. The murderer recited verses from the Quran. The police were there and didn’t help her while this devout Muslim savagely beat her. [Upon] hearing Traore yelling “Allahu Akhbar!” and “Shaitan!” (Arabic for ‘Satan’), they feared a terrorist attack was taking place, and called for backup . Anti-terror officers did not arrive until 5:00 a.m., by which time Halimi had been thrown by her attacker from the window of her third-floor apartment to the ground below. At a silent march of remembrance on the Sunday after the murder was met by local youths chanting “Death to the Jews” and “We Own Kala...