Talk about Impeachable offenses, here are 25 good ones.

Why do we still talk about the former President? Because he is still very much around, active, and seditious. His OFA group is highly organized, focused, well funded and dangerous.
Compared to the street rioters financed by Ole George, it appears innocuous. It is not.

The following post is quite long and detailed. About about half way down, the following listed impeachable actions committed by the former chief executive are fully discussed. Many may know about some or maybe even most of them but will undoubtedly see some they the did knew nothing about.

25 'impeachable' Obama scandals far more serious than Comey firing
Ex-president racked up BIG LIST of outrageous abuses of executive power

  1. Obama’s Iran nuke deal
  2. Obama knew about Hillary’s private email server
  3. Obama IRS targets conservatives
  4. Obama’s DOJ spies on AP reporters
  5. Obamacare & Obama’s false promises
  6. Illegal-alien amnesty by executive order
  7. Benghazi-gate
  8. Operation Fast & Furious
  9. 5 Taliban leaders for Bergdahl
  10. Extortion 17
  11. ‘Recess ‘ appointments – when Senate was in session
  12. Appointment of ‘czars’ without Senate approval
  13. Suing Arizona for enforcing federal law
  14. Refusal to defend Defense of Marriage Act
  15. Illegally conducting war against Libya
  16. NSA: Spying on Americans
  17. Muslim Brotherhood ties
  18. Miriam Carey
  19. Birth certificate
  20. Executive orders
  21. Solyndra and the lost $535 million
  22. Egypt
  23. Cap & Trade: When in doubt, bypass Congress
  24. Refusal to prosecute New Black Panthers
  25. Obama’s U.S. citizen ‘hit list’
 for the entire post, go here

Knowledge Is Power: The Realistic Observer is a non-profit blog dedicated to bringing as much truth as possible to the readers.


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