Democrats/Leftists Behaving Badly
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Epitome Of Leftist Hypocritical Mentality |
First, let's examine our favorite current criminal, er, bad boy the former, now fired FBI director.
Comey WASN’T Snookered, He Knew Russian Doc. Was Fake, But Used It As Excuse Anyway
Earlier this week we reported that because the FBI received a secret Russian document describing an email indicating that the Justice Dept. would not try to hard to win the case against Hillary Clinton, then-FBI director Comey was snookered into making his speech that Ms. Clinton was probably guilty but no prosecutor would press charges against her. The Washington Post had reported the document was not only unreliable but possibly a Russian ruse “according to people familiar with its contents.” Now CNN reports that Comey wasn’t snookered, he knew the document was fake BEFORE he made the speech letting HRC off the hook. He snookered the FBI, the Justice Dept., and congress by using it as an excuse for making the speech. continue
And: Imagine the humiliation!
CNN Forced to Admit Trump Was RIGHT, “Comey Committed Atrocities”
2 weeks ago, when explaining why he fired James Comey, President Trump made the accurate statement that “Comey committed atrocities.”
At the time, I think we can all remember the collective *GASP* in the hypocrite liberal media.
These same hypocrites who had been bashing Comey suddenly became his staunchest defenders.
Now, 2 weeks later, CNN is essentially admitting President Trump is RIGHT.
Would you consider acting on Russian intelligence KNOWN to be fake an “atrocity?” YES. continue
Did we hear about this one?
Ellison Accused of Violating Congressional Rules in Bid for Leadership Role
Rep. Keith Ellison (D., Minn.) may be violating congressional rules barring lawmakers from using their social media accounts to promote their bids for party leadership positions, such as chair of the Democratic National Committee, which Ellison is currently vying for.Ellison has been using his verified Twitter account to campaign for DNC chair, which sources argue is in violation of rules stating that official accounts cannot be used for campaign purposes.
Ellison's office maintains that the lawmaker used his personal account to send these tweets and does not maintain an official presence on Twitter. However, Ellison's account links to his official congressional website, and the campaign tweets have been embedded on the official site, blurring the lines between the lawmaker's official and personal social media worlds.
Congressional insiders told the Washington Free Beacon that Ellison's tweets represent a "clear-cut violation of House rules" governing social media use. Continue
Ah, the poster child of Democrat corruption during the 2016 primary: Debbie Wasserman Schultz likely involved in massive cover-up as she is caught trying to interfere in a criminal investigation, threatening police chief
In an absolutely outrageous and transparent abuse of authority, former DNC chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz used her position on a committee that sets the police force’s budget to not only attempt to undermine an active investigation but also to directly threaten the chief of the U.S. Capital Police.
During the hearing, Schultz spent nearly three minutes grilling the police chief over the confiscation of a laptop that is connected to an active investigation, going as far as trying to extract a promise that the computer would be returned, a move that if allowed to happen would surely hinder the criminal investigation.
After being told that the laptop was a key piece of evidence in the investigation, Schultz then preceded to publicly threaten the police chief!
“I think you’re violating the rules when you conduct your business that way and you should expect that there will be consequences,” the top Democrat told Police Chief Matthew R. Verderosa.
There is a video and its transcript to back up this assertion in the complete post.
The above are but a few examples of a plethora of posts regarding violations of ethics and down right criminal lying on the part of the hypocritical left which is desperately trying to find a way to impeach our current president..
Knowledge Is Power: The Realistic Observer is a non-profit blog dedicated to bringing as much truth as possible to the readers.
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