Daily Bits...Check out your Reps:This Month York County,Pa 6/01/17

Representative Stanley Saylor 94th legislative district, Spring 2017 

Thank you for visiting my online office. Please fill out the form below to contact me on any state-related issue. Or, if you prefer, refer to my office information below to call or visit me. My staff and I are happy to help.


Monthly Bits: Check out your Rep: June 2017:
94th legislative District: State Representative Stan Saylor:
Check out your Reps: Representative Stanley Saylor 94th legislative district, Summer  2017
Monthly Bits For June: 

State Representative Stanley Saylor: 94th Legislative District: Office information: District 100 Redco Ave., Red Lion, PA 17356 Phone (717) 244 9232 or (717) 382 4595 Capitol P.O. Box 202094, Harrisburg, PA 17120 2094 ... Phone (717) 783 6426 Email saylor@pahousegop.com ... Website: RepSaylor.com

Mark your calendar: Flag Day in Fairmount Park: Saturday June 17,2017 at 10 AM. Live music ...Local veterans groups: Red Lion, PA 

2017 Veterans Assistance hours: On the second Thursday of each month from 10 AM to 2 PM my office partners with the American Legion Department of Pennsylvania and the Red Lion Area Senior Center offers outreach and assistance to the veterans of the 94th District in our Red Lion District office at 100 Redco Avenue. Please call my office to set up an appointment. Paul DeVincenzo of the American Legion Department of Pennsylvania is in the office to offer assistance to veterans, their spouses, or their families, with compensation and pension claims, education benefits, VA health care enrollment, burial and survivor benefits, state benefits, and military personnel and medical records:Those who have served our country deserve the very best services we can offer them and my office is committed to delivering on that goal!

 Transportation Services to Veterans Administration Expanded:

A reminder that Rabbittransit (www.rabbittransit.org) expanded its FREE services to York County Veterans to or from the Lebanon Veterans Hospital after an anonymous donor gave $20,000 to expand a volunteer driven veterans ride program. Services offered Monday through Friday. Shuttles depart from York at 6.30 am and 9.30 am...Shuttles depart Lebanon VA at 12.30 PM and 2 PM. Reservations should be made by noon the day before or on Friday for Monday. Shuttles depart from East York VA Community Base Outpatient Clinic (CBOC) --- Veterans can call 1 800 632 9063 to schedule a trip (press option #11 or if you are already registered in the system book a reservation online at www.FindMyRidePA.com using your shared ride ID.

· State Tax Amnesty Program: The Pennsylvania Tax Amnesty Program authorized by Act 84 of 2016, is underway. April 21st through June 19th eligible individuals and businesses that owe past due taxes can pay what they owe and waive all penalties and half the interests for those who participate

· Other Services Provided: Notary Public/ Drivers license/ vehicle registration/ Birth and death Certificates/ PACE and PACENET applications for seniors/ Property Tax and Rent Rebate applications/ Voter registration Forms/ absentee ballot applications/ state tax forms. The office is handicap accessible.

· Satellite Offices: Delta Senior center, 5 Pendyrus Street, Delta/1st and 3rd wednesday 9 to noon. / Red Lion Senior Center: 20 Gotham Drive #C/ Red Lion, 2nd Wednesday monthly 9 to noon./ Lower Windsor Township Building, 2425 Craley Road, / Wrightsville, / 4th Wednesday of each month 9 to noon.

Congressman Scott Perry offered the following statement in the wake of President Trump’s announcement to remove the U.S. from the Paris Climate Agreement:

“U.S. participation in the Paris Climate Agreement failed to follow constitutional protocols when it was undertaken by the Obama Administration. Treaties should be ratified by the Senate, as dictated in our Constitution. We all want clean air and a healthy environment. I’ve advocated for removing government barriers to the development of hydropower, which would create thousands of American jobs and provide power to millions of Americans at low cost. But decisions can’t be made unilaterally. Our removal from the Paris Climate Agreement is a solid first step to reasserting the role of the U.S. Constitution in international affairs and domestic policies.”

· http://www.nps.gov/eisehttp://www.nps.gov/eise

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