Liberal Lawyer says “Black Lives Matter Is Endangering The Fairness Of Our Legal System”

Politically motivated prosecutorial abuse is not new. Tawana Brawley , The Duke Rape Case and the trial of Ferguson Police officer Darren Wilson and are but three of the more famous cases that come to mind. The basis of the accusations against the accused were questionable and they were found innocent at trial. However, their lives were inevitably destroyed as an aura of tawdriness always seemed to linger over their heads. In the following article, Liberal Law Professor, Alan Dershowitz discusses the matter with Megyn Kelly regarding the Freddie Gray case in Baltimore and the dangers of this trend regarding cases involving the police and a black victim. In many instances, it would appear as though facts do not matter, and for political reasons, prosecutors seek to give the masses a conviction and possibly an execution to draw blood in order to assuage their anger. Written by Onan Coca Wow. Popular liberal law professor and pundit Alan Dershowitz appeared on...