Liberal Lawyer says “Black Lives Matter Is Endangering The Fairness Of Our Legal System”

Politically motivated prosecutorial abuse is not new. Tawana Brawley, The Duke Rape Case and the trial of Ferguson Police officer Darren Wilson and are but three of the more famous cases that come to mind. The basis of the accusations against the accused were questionable and they were found innocent at trial. However, their lives were inevitably destroyed as an aura of tawdriness always seemed to linger over their heads.

In the following article, Liberal Law Professor, Alan Dershowitz discusses the matter with Megyn Kelly regarding the Freddie Gray case in Baltimore and the dangers of this trend regarding cases involving the police and a black victim. 

In many instances, it would appear as though facts do not matter, and for political reasons, prosecutors seek to give the masses  a conviction and possibly an execution to draw blood in order to assuage their anger.

Written by Onan Coca


Popular liberal law professor and pundit Alan Dershowitz appeared on Fox News’ the Kelly File earlier this week with Megyn Kelly and said something that you might have expected to hear from a conservative pundit… but not from a left-leaner like Dershowitz.

Black Lives Matter is endangering the fairness of our legal system. Because they’re rooting for outcomes based on race. Started a long time ago. Started with the O.J. Simpson case… African-Americans wanted an acquittal without regard to the evidence. Now, many want convictions without regard to the evidence. We cannot allow our justice system to be turned into a kind of racial categorization where people root for outcome. 

Again, Wow.

Desrshowitz was speaking in particular of the acquittal of the police officers surrounding the Freddie Gray case, but also in general of the culture of injustice that we’ve been breeding in America over the last 20+ years. Watch the whole exchange below.

Text from the video:

Megyn Kelly: You say this is serious misconduct by this young woman, by this prosecutor, why?

Alan Dershowitz: Overcharging. She charged one officer with murder to base on deprave, depraved heart. These are officers who, you know, may have made a mistake but they are not guilty of criminal conduct.

What she tried to do is stop the mob. I understand that, but you don’t use the criminal justice system to solve racial problems. And she’s a symptom of a larger problem.

Black Lives Matter is endangering the fairness of our legal system. Because they’re rooting for outcomes based on race. Started a long time ago. Started with the O.J. Simpson case…

African-Americans wanted an acquittal without regard to the evidence. Now, many want convictions without regard to the evidence. We cannot allow our justice system to be turned into a kind of racial categorization where people root for outcome.

Megyn Kelly: And that we’re seeing that here in some of the reporting today about this case. They mentioned the race of Officer Nero, white, the race of Freddie Gray, black, and they failed to mention the race of the judge who tried the case who is African-American.

Alan Dershowitz: Or the lawyer for the family who is African-American who said the judge came to the right conclusion…

Even though his client was killed.

Megyn Kelly: But they, you know, we had a guy on the show last night who didn’t want to listen to anything about it. And I kept asking what did Officer Nero do, tell me specifically what he did.

And all he kept saying, and a lot of the media today was saying, this is basically the standards need to be changed so we can make it easier to get these cops.

Alan Dershowitz: Well, you can’t change proof beyond a reasonable doubt. You can’t change better 10 guilty go free than one innocent be wrongly confined. That’s what American is all about. And we can’t allow racial differences which is serious. Racial problem were serious to distort our criminal justice system.

Megyn Kelly: Could you go after Mosby for malicious prosecution?

Alan Dershowitz: Yes. I think this is politically motivated prosecution. I think the voters have to go after her, and I think the voters will because she oversold the case and everybody’s disappointed.

The black community’s disappointed because she didn’t get results and she probably won’t get results. Many in the white community disappointed because she overcharged police officers who were doing their duty, but this goes beyond Baltimore.

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