War Grade Arsenal of Weapons Confiscated at Mosque in Germany

Monitor the mosques.
“The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the Muslim faithful our soldiers…”
―Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of Turkey NRW: arsenal with “heavy weapons of war” in mosque excavated
Epoch Times, Sunday, June 19, 2016 (thanks to RF):Source:
ANRW (Nordrhein-Westfalen): Weapons arsenal with war grade weapons were found near a mosque.
A weapons depot belonging to radical Islamists was found in NRW. The top secret search took place a week ago and war grade weapons were found. This is reported by the Hessian representative Ismail Tipi (CDU).
According to information from the Hessian CDU representative Ismail Tipi, about a week ago a top secret search by SEKS (Spezialeinsatzcommando – or
SWAT team) in Northrhein-Westfalen took place. In the refrigerator room of a grocer/vegetable seller located near a mosque, weapons were discovered and seized.
“According to my information, a weapons arsenal with war grade weapons was found in this search. The danger of fundamentalist Salafists who are ready
to use violence arming themselves in Germany is very large. This secret raid finding this weapons cache makes this more than clear,” according to Tipi last Friday in a press release.
This extremist expert suspects secret weapons arsenals are being set up in other German cities. The Hamburg intelligence service is also warning of increasing numbers armed jihad supporters.
Up to now 300 supporters of armed jihad have been identified in Hamburg. “The information about this is increasing. The fear is large that Salafist sleeper cells, jihadis, and Isis terrorists in Germany get support from foreign intelligence services that are not friendly to us. Through the weapons arsenal, the sleeper cells and militant jihadis can be armed with
weapons and prepare for their likely attack. This is exactly what I have always feared.”
“Politics must speak clearly about this”
Tipi warns: “If these fears are substantiated, we can assume that secret weapons arsenals are being set up for a big terrorist attack not only in Germany, but throughout Europe. It would be a dereliction of duty if we didn’t recognize this danger and find these weapons arsenals.” It is a problem that many battle hardened young Salafists returning from war zones are back in Germany and that dangerous people have snuck in as refugees according to the press release.
“We must see this danger and deal with it as soon as possible. Those in charge of our security must look at this closely and share this information with all relevant security agencies,” according to Tipi.
He continues: “Politics must be clear about this, report on possible dangers and threats, must educate the people and call upon them to be wide
awake and report every type of observations to the police. The problem of Salafism and IS-terrorism is always getting bigger when we don’t react. Here everyone has a responsibility.”
Tipi’s political engagement against radical Salafists has led to death threats against him.
Pamella Geller
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