The Patriots Daily Bites of American History:The Protestant Reformation Series 1, Volume 4: My Personal Testimony.


The Patriots Daily Bites of American History, The Protestant Reformation Series 1, Volume 4
The Old Farm House one
My Personal Testimony.
The first thing I remember of my childhood is being in the kitchen where my mother was building the fire in the old cook stove. I was whining and crying although I can't remember why. I do remember my mother gently scolding me. “Pearlie! You are four years old today! You are a big girl now. You are much too big to cry!” I remember asking if I can please go to school now with Jimmy and Mary and Anna, my older brother and sisters. I was so jealous watching them leave every morning.
One time I even tried to make them believe I went to another school while they went to their school. Of course, they only laughed but my younger siblings were easy to convince. I would hide for a while and then tell them I had been to school. At that time my oldest sister Lorraine was married and moved away and my oldest brother Paul had a shop where he worked on cars above the kitchen on the second floor with his own steps and entrance.
We were never allowed to go in there. I had 10 brothers and sisters and we all lived in the big Farm House and had access to the big dairy farm where my dad worked for the owner, Mr. Davis. We all worked at home and on the farm but we laughed and had fun while we were working. The house must have been a hotel at one time. There were two kitchens and two parlors and 3 stairways leading to 7 bedrooms with a big upstairs hallway I was the exact middle of eleven children.
My dad always bragged about how many kids he had. He joked about trying for a dozen but they had to settle for one less. My parents knew children are an heritage of the Lord as the Bible says. I was born in Harford County, Maryland, in and old farm house in Minefield Hollow near a little town named “Street.” I was married at the young age of 16 to my 18 year old husband, James Sturgis Sr., for 51 years until he died of cancer in July of 2008.
We have 4 children, 10 grandchildren and 8 grandbabies at this time (May 2016). My Grandma and my mother wrote poems and stories. Most of my siblings write and sing and play instruments.. but I only write and mostly poems. My favorite Bible Scripture text is Proverbs 3:5 and 6 “Trust is in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.” Now I would love to share my testimony of how I learned of the Protestant Reformation. I was 53 years old with no knowledge of it whatsoever when I was attending this modern church that had almost a dozen different versions of the Holy Bible. When the pastor was reading, it was not like my mother's Authorized king James version of 1611., so I kept asking questions.
I've been told I can get on people's nerves by asking questions but Jesus said ask and it shall be given. Eventually I was told to use only the new Bibles and I would understand. When I refused and insisted I would use my mother's Bible I was called a “heretic.” and accused of limiting God's Word.
Well, I never heard of the word “heretic.” When I was “excommunicated” I had never heard of that word either but I soon learned it meant get out and don't come back. At home I looked up the word “heretic” in the preface of the old Bible printed by Jackson 1875.
To my surprise I saw a list of Biographies of the Biblical translators who were known as heretics and arrested for heresy against the Church of England for translating the Word of God into English, publishing and distributing the Bible to the hands of the average common people!
You can't imagine how shocked I was to have been called a “heretic” and a few hours later read about heroic Protestant Reformers who were tortured, ridiculed, fined and imprisoned for reasons where no reason could justifiably serve. But just wait--- It gets even more bazaar.
To my surprise I saw a list of Biographies of the Biblical translators who were known as heretics and arrested for heresy against the Church of England for translating the Word of God into English, publishing and distributing the Bible to the hands of the average common people! You can't imagine how shocked I was to have been called a “heretic” and a few hours later read about heroic Protestant Reformers who were tortured, ridiculed, fined and imprisoned for reasons where no reason could justifiably serve.
I learned from this old Bible, which I found in the attic of an old farm house, about the Protestant Reformation and how the Pilgrims fled from London to Amsterdam because of religious persecution from the tyrants of that era. At that time, Holland was the only country in the world that had religious freedom. All of Eastern Hemisphere was under tyranny rule of either the Pope or the King or Queen and Church Council. Books had to be printed in Holland and smuggled through Europe.
In London the printing presses were raided at night and all religious books were burned and the people who owned them were arrested and drug through the streets to shame them for defying the leaders. At that time, only those appointed to leadership were allowed a copy of the Scriptures.
They called it “Divine Rights.” The first Biography was that of John Oldcastle in 1412 at the Church Council meeting Oldcastle was named a “heretic” and ordered to renounce his protestant faith. When he denied the order he was confined to the towers (prison). He mysteriously escaped for four years but was caught and seriously wounded.
When he refused to renounce his faith the second time at the 1417 Council meeting he was hanged and his body was burned while hanging. (unquote Jackson's preface in the 1875 AKJV Bible)
PL Sturgis: You can imagine how my emotions were running wild to learn this 500 years later that I was similarly called a “heretic” and accused of heresy against the church for the same reason, which was –-my Protestant views. This is the very day I went home after being excommunicated that I learned about the Protestant Reformation….. But just wait--- It gets even more bazaar.
(to be continued)I learned from this old Bible, which I found in the attic of an old farm house, about the Protestant Reformation and how the Pilgrims fled from London to Amsterdam because of religious persecution from the tyrants of that era. At that time, Holland was the only country in the world that had religious freedom. All of Eastern Hemisphere was under tyranny rule of either the Pope or the King or Queen and Church Council. Books had to be printed in Holland and smuggled through Europe.
In London the printing presses were raided at night and all religious books were burned and the people who owned them were arrested and drug through the streets to shame them for defying the leaders. At that time, only those appointed to leadership were allowed a copy of the Scriptures.
They called it “Divine Rights.” The first Biography was that of John Oldcastle in 1412 at the Church Council meeting Oldcastle was named a “heretic” and ordered to renounce his protestant faith. When he denied the order he was confined to the towers (prison). He mysteriously escaped for four years but was caught and seriously wounded.
When he refused to renounce his faith the second time at the 1417 Council meeting he was hanged and his body was burned while hanging. (unquote Jackson's preface in the 1875 AKJV Bible)
PL Sturgis: You can imagine how my emotions were running wild to learn this 500 years later that I was similarly called a “heretic” and accused of heresy against the church for the same reason, which was –-my Protestant views. This is the very day I went home after being excommunicated that I learned about the Protestant Reformation….. But just wait--- It gets even more bazaar.
In case You Missed our American History Series On (American Revolution )
The Great Awakening

In case You Missed our Constitution series or just want to Refresher ,we have the complete series below.
There is Nothing Wrong with the Constitution it's the people we elected to uphold their oaths ,That are the Problems .

This my friends is where all our hopes and dreams ,Freedoms ,Liberties were formed some 240 years ago ,by a group of men with foresight to see way down the road for what is today. The Greatest Country in the World,And Still Is,as long as WE THE PEOPLE STAND UP FOR OUR FREEDOMS
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