Do you wake up everyday to the Sound of Thunder, the Sound of Children Playing or to the Sound of Pomp & Circumstance playing like a War Drum Deep in the Heart of your/our Worst Nightmare? And now for the Next Question; does it even Matter anymore? While I hate to admit it , I have become a Cynical Sarcastic Old Fart...So when Someone, anyone asks me a Question or even Starts a Conversation, the Lights , Bells & Whistles go off in my Head REMINDING Me to ask or wonder, "Where is this Conversation really Going? What do they Really Want? What is their angle? What are they Selling or Trying To Prove? I mean to say in these days & times is there Really anything out there anymore that's "Harmless?" When Someone (these days) says they'd like to be your Friend do you "Take Them At Their Word?' The CYNIC in me wonders & Questions almost everything anymore...And Quite frankly that's actually SAD...It would seem to me we h...