When you are existing,dwelling or living in a World that's limitless  & open ended it can be Inspirational! Conversely if its Controlled like a experiment, Closed to Ideas & Questions it becomes Boring, Apathetic & Predictable...One end of the Podium can be Exciting, Desirable, Emotional  while the other is Listless or almost Comatose....In simple Terms it either IS or it ISN'T, it Works or it Does Nothing...You are either the Creator, you're making it happen or you are Just Existing,,,Let's use an old "Bob Dylan" line here:"You Are Ether Busy Living Or You Are Busy Dying....It's in  part Attitude, Drive or Ambition...

We've all heard the terms Living in "Glass Houses" or Living in a "Fish Bowl" & we've also heard about "Living In A Bubble!" When you are SURROUNDED with People who have the Same Mind Set you will Likely never "Rise Above the Fray" to Challenge an Idea...Some call that "Group Think" some call it "Herding" (as in Cattle) & a more modern term that some of us know about or use is called "Stockholm Syndrome!"  That where the CAPTIVES actually become the CAPTURES..It's just another Term for "Behavior Modification" or "Brainwashing"....It's more or less a "Controlled Experiment" to Reinforce THOUGHTS & Thereby ACTIONS!

Life as I see it is really just an "Apprenticeship!" It is or Should be what we MAKE of it, not Necessarily what Others want you to be...An Example might be with a Parent trying to Live their life "Vicariously" through their Children....That is NOT the same thing as Teaching, Encouraging, Showing & Training....Learning when it's done Properly should be Inspirational...Almost Self Promoting, It's almost like a Thirst that cannot be Quenched....A Good Teacher Inspires, a Bad one puts you to Sleep....My Favorite Teacher in High School made his Classes Fun & Entertaining...I say him many years later at a Class Reunion & I went up to him & Said this: Mr Carson I want to THINK YOU for the Time You Gave to your Students, You made Learning Fun & Rewarding..And I found in College later when I Enjoyed a Professors Class I often was an "A Student" but when I found the Professor Dull, Boring & Lacking in the Skills to Communicate I was often a "C Student"...There is a Cliche that goes something like this; "If you Love Your Job it Isn't Work" That I believe to be 100% True!

I grew up on a farm & a simple life it was! No real Perks but there was a "Nurturing aplenty" by a Mother who read the Bible, said Prayers, Cooked, Sewed & Helped all the Kids with our Studies...We weren't Protected from the Ugly Realities either...Life while is was Hard in many ways was still Simple & True....Using the old John Lennon/Paul McCartney line: "The Love You Get Is Equal To The Love You Give....And that my Friends is Not Utopian Clap-Trap...It is just a Simple Philosophy...kind of like;"Do No Harm!"

I also came from a Small Town & I like all the Others was Lured by the "Bright Lights Of The Big Cities" ...Didn't we all want to Change the World or become "Rock & Roll Stars?" I know I did!   We were Young, we were Reckless, we were Daring, we thought we were Invincible, we made Mistakes & we paid the Price or Paid our Dues...Call it what  you want...However the OLDER I got the More I realized how Very Lucky I was...We were Poor Small Town Country Folk but we were loved & our Needs were taken care of...The Longer I stayed in the Big City Suburbs the more I wanted to Return to the Simple Life....We were taught Work Ethics, to set Goals & to have Dreams ...

There is Something Missing in today's world ...It is Lacking, it is actually what's KILLING us.! This is not UTOPIA!..The REALITY & the VISION that's been Thrust Upon Us don't Match & they Don't make any Sense! The Seeds of Hope, Dreams & Prayers have been replaced with Nightmares, Hate, Envy, Chaos & Anarchy...And if you don't mind who is it that's Benefiting?  Ask yourself these simple questions: Are you who you wanted to be, have you accomplished your Goals, Fulfilled your Prayers, do you even Like or Love yourself? And I'm not talking about Narcissism & Big Egos! Did you Learn a Skill & use it or did you pass those skill on to another?

The point I'm trying to make here is that BIGGER is not BETTER! QUALITY is not the same thing as QUANTITY....Nor does HATE turn into LOVE...The BIG CITIES are no different than the BARNS we had on the FARM, they were Full of RATS then, they are Full of RATS Now!!! Its a New Breed of RAT though....Today's RATS are not "Scavengers" they have become the precursor to a CANCER...One that Grows with Every Breath the Soulless LIBERAL has....

AMERICA is Running down the same Road to RUIN that Europe is on....Sadly it seems we were too Indoctrinated to see our own Ignorance....As a CULTURE we don't Question, nor do we demand Answers ...The Media which is "Solely Owned & Controlled" by the Government & the Oligarchs shoves Propaganda down our Throats  24/7..The Universities & Schools do the Same....And then ask yourself this, what's the MESSAGE, what are they Teaching, Training or Programming? Does the Gay, Lesbian or Transgender issue even BELONG in a Elementary School"? Knowledge is one thing but this Sounds more like "Indoctrination" to me....Pedophilia is on the's everywhere in Hollyweird & well as Washington DC....

This is not the "Good Ship Lollipop" so where is this going? The Ignorance we see today is Willful & it was all part of the "New World Order Curriculum" set up by Satan's Disciple themselves...The Oligarchs like the Rothschild's, George Soros & all of their Bilderberg Buddies Run this Show....They Helped Create this Illusion, Delusion & Nightmare by offering us "Sanctuary" inside this Hell Hole...We are & have been "LIVING IN A BUBBLE" bad news it is Full of Poison!  


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