It goes without saying that we are One Breath Away from leaving this
World...Many People, well actually most of us take it for Granted there will be a
Tomorrow, another Heartbeat & the Time to Reflect or Reminiscence...Truthfully down deep we
know that is not the case... We are not Invincible, we were not BUILT to last
forever...Life is mostly a "Collection" of Journey's, some short & some
long...It goes without saying with the Time we've been allowed we make
Judgments & Decisions based on Biases & Impressions that are sometimes
Flawed but also sometimes honest...
As a Child & later as a Teenager my Mother would often take us to the
"Local Cemetery" where Friends & Family were buried. Did you wonder around
the Cemetery as I did & look at the Plots, Read the Names & wonder what
"Their Story" was? What made them Unique? Who were they Really? What Course of
Events Made their Journey theirs & theirs alone...I was a "Baby Boomer" who
grew up in Small Town America in a Farming Community...So while I understood
these Souls, these People were Farmers, Ranchers, Dairymen & Cattlemen but I
also Knew their Story was so Much more... Many of them Fought in "World War II"
& very Few had College Education's, some barely had a High School
Education ! Having said that, they Took those Skills, their Experiences &
Thought or Impressions & Turned them into to "A Life" that was "Uniquely
Theirs!"...My Grandmother & Grandfather (Mothers Side of the Family) came to
TEXAS from Missouri in a "Covered Wagon" & I am not Making that Up!
Let's be honest here, these were "Hard Times" very few Comforts by today's
"Spoiled Pampered Standards!" No Air Conditioning in Most Homes & Cars, No
Super Highways, very little Television & not every home had Indoor
Plumbing...We still had "Out Houses" and our Own "Deep Water Well" for
Water...Only on Rare Occasions did we go to the LARGE CITIES for anything...Most
of our shopping was done at the Local "Family Owned Stores!" And for
Entertainment well we had "Friday Night Football, Little League Baseball, High
School Basketball , Miniature Golf & a "Drive in Theater" for a
Movie...There was No FM Radio, Most Television was Black & White & only
on till 10 O'clock every night...We Read a lot of Books in those Days, we Still
went to Church, we said Prayers before we ate & went to Bed...Sadly those
FAMILY Oriented Memories I have are now almost "Forbidden Now" ....Is this where
the old Cliche; "One Step Forward & Two Steps Back" comes from...I'll use an
old Bob Dylan line here; "You Ain't Going Nowhere!"
But my real QUESTION Here is; What is it that Makes us who we are? Isn't it
or wasn't it Part Family, Part Education, Part History, Part Legacy, Part
Expectancy, Part Trials,,Part Lessons, Part Travels, Part our Dreams & Part
our Prayers? Didn't you as a Child have a desire, a thirst, a need or a drive to
be or do? I sure as hell did! I often Failed, but when I Fell off the Pony I got
back on for another Ride...And lets be honest here I don't Particularly think I
was that much different than anyone else...We Did what we had to , to make our
own way! Sometime we Failed, but we Learned from our Failures & Moved on to
the or another Quest ...
Let me use another old "Bob Dylan" Line here: "There's Something Happening
Here But You Don't Know What It Is, Do You Mr Jones!" There is Something Amiss
in today's World & in Particular AMERICA....We once Celebrated the
Individual who was Unique, who Did It His Own Way, who Had Thoughts &
Opinions that were his....I spent a lot of years of my life as a Musician (who
would have guessed) so I'll ask you does Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin or Bach all
Sound Alike ANSWER: Hell No they don't...If you like Jazz, Does Count Basie or
Duke Ellington sound like Classical Music...Hell no....If you like Writers
weren't Hemingway, Frost, Dickens & Shakespeare all Completely Different
,,,YES THEY WERE....All of that was a Good Thing Too...It was Celebrated
& it's what made them Different.... It's Who They Were!
Today's World is all about CONTROL, therefore Individualism is almost
Forbidden, it is certainly Scorned! The Sad Thing is that Those who want to
CONTROL US are INSANE...They believe they have God Like Powers &
Insight...Well do they??...This world has Always had its share of Madmen...Hitler,
Stalin, Lenin, Mussolini, Marx, Attila The Hun & the list goes on
Forever....But Today's World is slightly different...Never Before has a
Government had a "Propaganda Machine" like we see in America &
Europe....They are ALL Owned by the same People..The Message Is the
Same..Control your every thought, dream & prayer...How many of you are
Familiar with a CIA Operation called "Operation Mockingbird?" I will not go
into it, but the Plan was to Put a Government (Deep State) Man in every MEDIA
OUTLET in the Country ...Hitler was doing the same in Germany, the Idea was
incorporated & used here!
For the FEW of you that have read Orwell's:"1984" his biggest Fears was
that the Populations would be "Manipulated" by Mass Media controlled by Insane
Madmen (Oligarchs)....If you read Huxley's: "Brave New World" his Fears were
about "Behavior Modification" Via "Drugs or Pharmaceuticals" well they were BOTH
CORRECT...It's a little bit of Both...Why is it that we Don't Learn our Lessons
from our Failures anymore?...If you know your HISTORY the Communists have been
in this Country & Growling since the Civil War...The Last 100 Years has been
the biggest change tho...Starting with "Woodrow Wilson" who Gave us the
"Rothschild Controlled Fed" & the "Income Tax," it's been a Long Slow Ride
since them....Both Wilson & FDR both had been told how Both WWI & WWII
would start by the Rothschild's...And if you Don't know who the ROTHSCHILD'S are
well you've been oblivious to the Truth for Decades...FDR once said that
"Nothing In Politics Happens By Chance, It Was Planned"...I believe that to be
True , for the most part!
I guess I could ask you; "What Are Your Plans Today" & what if you
don't mind are your REAL Choices? Ask yourself this: "Are we One Bit Better Off
Than We Were Decades Ago?" Are we REALLY getting the "Bang for Our Dollar" From
this Corrupt Government? Do or have they Kept Any of their Promises? Do you
REALLY Trust them? I sure as Hell Don't" Do you Know why the "Roman or Greek
Empires Fell?" Do you think you've been Told the TRUTH about What's Going On
Around Us?" Have you ever heard about "Agenda 21" or the New World Order?" Do
you Know who GEORGE SOROS is....Do you Believe What you Hear From the
MEDIA...Have you ever heard of the "REICHSTAG FIRE?" And while I understand
those Thoughts are a bit Random or Scattered, they are "Relevant!" Our HISTORY
is in the Process of Being Destroyed, but not for the "Politically Correct"
Reasons the Liberal Communist Left is throwing at us...You/we can't know or
understand where we are going, what we belong to, who we REALLY are if we don't
know where we've been...Do you remember the old TV show: "The Twilight Zone,"
remember how it implied they were taking over the TV for the next hour....What
if I told you that REALITY is now FACT & not FICTION...Are you Old enough to
remember when this Government "Supposedly Outlawed" Subliminal Advertising? The
Adds could make you Subconsciously want or Desire Products...Lets just say its a
type of "Mass Hypnosis" but it's a REALITY & they didn't outlaw it, they
decided to USE it to their (Governments) Benefit...Is it by any "Coincidence"
that Shows on the Television are called "Programming?" You tell me..."Sometimes
Truth is Stranger Than Fiction!"
In my Lifetime we've gone from one War or Conflict to another..We saw Cuba
fall to Castro, we saw Germany divided by a wall, we saw the Soviet Union
breakup, we saw IRAN & now IRAQ fall into Radical Islam...We've seen more
countries in South America turn into Dictatorships, Much the same in
Mexico...How many of you know MEXICO Supported HITLER in WWII? We've watched
EUROPE decay because of Socialism & now Open Borders ... We saw JFK &
MLK get Assassinated....And now we have Computer Algorithms that tell us what is
"Politically Correct" or not....The Thought Police are Right around the
Corner....Will we soon be Confined for CRIMES that haven't even been
Committed...I'm sorry this is STUPID as Hell, will we be Required to Applaud our
own Demise... This is what SELF HATE because of LIBERALISM has done for this
World...You know I almost Look Forward to Death...This sure as hell is not
LIVING...We've become Prisoners of Fear because of Programming...I do not Fear
And if you Think there's still time for "ONE LAST DANCE" you best get it
on...The Liberals are going for BLOOD...Apathy & Opulence Destroys
everything...Look behind the Curtain before you Exit, you just might be
surprised at what you'll see..
Every patriot sending out warnings to others about the horrors confronting We, the People is doing their part to counter the massive propaganda/indoctrination power of the moneyed elite-class and their multitude of corporate entities controlling the HUGE propaganda distribution systems.