Have we all arrived at the time & place where Everyone (well Liberals) are "AFRAID OF THE BIG BAD WOLF?"   It seems to me FEAR has become a "Covert CIA Operation" of some sort & where are the Liars , Town Criers, Fear Mongers or Circus Side-Show Barkers "Herding us to? Well I guarantee it's nowhere good, pleasing or pleasant!...

Remember the old line "Sticks & Stones Might Break My Bones But Words Will Never Hurt Me" Well in the Liberal "Protectionist World" that NEVER applies to anything, anymore!...Think about it now, the LIST of Liberal Forbidden Words is Growing Like a Cancerous Wildfire!  Because we living in a World that Over- Reacts to everything we are being Told & Scolded that we MUST "Tamp Down our Rhetorical Spiels as they pertain to Race, Religion, Sex , Economics, Education, Knowledge or Wisdom ! In other words LIBERALS want Everyone (other than Them) to keep their "Damn Mouth Shut!"
I guess the Liberals would Blame God for giving ALL of us a Mouth to Speak with & Ears to Hear with! Because HISTORY is Riddled with Cons & Frauds who were anything but what they Projected themselves to be...Prostitutes have their PIMPS, well we also now have Race Hustlers who are really HATERS in Disguise-- There is NOTHING Left that Hasn't/isn't being used to Divide us...We have reached the Point where if we use the Terms White, Black, Brown, Yellow; Male,Female, Shemale, Transsexual, Homosexual, Queer, Gay, Fag, Muslim, Goat, Sheep, Blow or Suck without the Politically Correct Connotation we will be called HATERS of whatever they need it to be...Personalty I am SICK of It!

The LIBERAL used the Term BULLYING to supposedly Protect People. Things or Places...And I would even agree there are a FEW times it may be TRUE, but the Reality is that LIBERALS are the "REAL BULLIES" they accuse us as being...Again its about Division, because for the Politician or Con (Pardon for repeating myself) it's How They KEEP their POWER! I mean what's the REAL Difference between your Congressman , Al Sharpton , Louis Farrakhan, Obama or the Local Pimp or Madam at a Brothel ?  And for that Matter the Local DRUG DEALER! ANSWER: Not one thing  Its just a SELLS Gimmick ...
Sadly in today's World most of the SELLING is done in the MEDIA & that includes Television, Radio, Newsprint & now the Internet...Follow the Little Bouncing Ball until the Message is Received...Having said all that The TRAINING is Done in what we Used to call SCHOOLS-- Parents , Churches  & Peer Groups are included in that Group...It's almost a Military Type Strategy ! Surround your Enemy or Goal & Bombard them with Chaos as well as Propaganda...The War that's being Fought is for the MIND...You CONTROL the MIND you become a de facto GOD! And isn't that what this is all about?  Let me also ADD that Drugs & Alcohol PLAY a big part in all of the "Behavior Modification" Process! 
90% of the WORLDS Media Outlets are Owned & Controlled by LIBERALS...I would Venture to say 75% of the World's Teachers are Proficient in LIBERALISM...Universities started Turning LIBERAL in WWI & Especially After WWII ...And Who really Controls "Big Pharma?" The Governments & the Banksters (Rothschild's & Soros)!

Now that I've meandered a bit let me get Back to the BULLYING Topic...Why do you think the LIBERALLS want to Protect "So Many" from Bullying? The Answer....It Creates & makes the Problem Worse & that's the intent...Political Correctness is USED by Liberals & Government (Sorry I repeated myself again) to Silence any & all Conversations....If we can't even TALK about out Differences we will NEVER "Solve Our Problems & that is the GOAL... We lost the REAL WAR being fought because of the Chaos & Anarchy...We didn't see what was really going on & I would add most Don't even want to know...It's called Willful Ignorance...George Orwell once said; "The Best Way To Lose A War Is To Surrender" & Thai's what MOST of this "Fake Society" has done...After DECADE of being Bombarded by Propaganda & Economic Controls we have all but Given up...
It's one thing to say "People Can't Handle The Truth" but its another thing to Finely Realize they've been ''Trained, Encouraged or Taught" to not Handle the Truth...Look behind the Curtains & you just might see some sort of 'Shadowy Figure" Manipulating Everything we See, Hear, Feel, Taste & Smell & it is not God either, its the Enemy called Satan  And as far as all this BS goes about BULLYING , it's a Smoke screen..For the Most part those that are being Protected would do just fine on their own....I believe MOST People in this World Mean no Harm...There is another old saying that seems to apply:"God Helps Those Who Help Themselves" 


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