Proof! MSM either complicit in or covering up for ANTIFA's increasingly injurious mayhem

The following post and the very watchable 11 minute video speak for themselves. AntiFa is seditious and becoming increasingly murderous. Even when having the truth dumped on them like a bucket of cold water, two MSM reporters move away. Guess they are just following orders. Crowder asks the obvious question at the end. Steven Crowder infiltrates Antifa in AWESOME undercover sting video September 29, 2017 | Frieda Powers | Print Article Comedian and conservative commentator Steven Crowder released a video documenting an undercover operation into the leftist Antifa movement. What happens when two guys infiltrate Antifa, live amongst them for weeks, and take part in their deeply rooted tactics of disruption and violence?” reads the caption for the more than 11-minute video. The team of reporters has been “infiltrating this organization for a long time, hard,” Crowder explained in the introduction to the video, offering up a primer on the violence-embracing “anti-fascist” g...