The Enemy Within Exposed but Remains Highly Dangerous-America Must Remain Alert
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Protesters or Terrorists? |
The world as a whole has been slow to see behind their masks largely due to the fake news regarding who they really are, paid and often clueless recruits led by hard core seditionists and financed by ole George.
Charlottesville was supposed to be the nail in the conservative/pro-Trump coffin. In the immediate moment, it worked; however, the ever lurking internal enemy of many movements, over reach, inserted itself in Berklely.
Non-violent Conservatives cancelled their demonstration because they knew that Antifa would violently disrupt it. Only a handful of the brave, showed up, and the nation saw them chased, beaten and threatened. Reporters were also threatened for filming the violence, and the police were attacked with bags of urine and feces.
To most Americans, that little spectacle was the nail in the coffin of Antifa and its havoc wreaking allies.
These people are now exposed for what they are--terrorists. Even the perceived Queen of the Oort cloud, Nancy Pelosi, came out and recognized them as such.
America is not out of the woods of potential anarchy and chaos yet. However, at least some sun is peeking through the canopy of newsspeak and doublethink.
Nonetheless, there remains a considerable number of useful idiots/colluders who will attempt to continue the elitist agenda.
Berkeley Mayor’s Dangerous Appeasement of Domestic Terrorists
09/04/2017 / By admin
The world is slowly but surely coming awake to the threat of left-wing violence – a species of anti-free speech, anti-democratic domestic terrorism that goes under the misleading moniker, Antifa. These cretins position themselves as “anti-fascists” while using every tactic at their disposal to shut down the very freedoms they claim to represent. Because of course these nuts don’t care a whit about “freedom.” In fact, they see it as a barrier to “social justice” and a false god propagated by white supremacists (aka conservatives) to keep minorities (aka, anyone who isn’t a white conservative) mired in oppression. And thus, they see their cause – to shut down the speech of anyone who disagrees – as a morally righteous crusade.
It took far too long, but liberals are beginning to recognize the threat that’s been growing in their own backyard.
Unfortunately, they’re still liberals. And that means we can count on them to take the exact wrong approach to solving the problem. Case in point: Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin.
This week, Arreguin said that he was so distressed about the possibility of Antifa violence at a Milo Yiannopoulos speech planned at UC Berkeley that he was advising the school to cancel it.
“I’m very concerned about Milo Yiannopoulos and Ann Coulter and some of these other right-wing speakers coming to the Berkeley campus, because it’s just a target for black bloc to come out and commit mayhem on the Berkeley campus and have that potentially spill out on the street,” Arreguin said in an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle.
“I obviously believe in freedom of speech, but there is a line between freedom of speech and then posing a risk to public safety,” Arreguin continued. “That is where we have to really be very careful — that while protecting people’s free-speech rights, we are not putting our citizens in a potentially dangerous situation and costing the city hundreds of thousands of dollars fixing the windows of businesses.”
Absolutely asinine. While he’s not wrong about the danger posed by these left-wing anarchists – the scene he describes will almost certainly play out to one degree or another – his advice is a frightening betrayal of the free speech values he claims to hold so dearly.
If one small group of Antifa nutjobs are able to shut down conservative speakers by threatening violence, then we don’t truly HAVE a free society, now do we? This is the very essence of fascism, in fact, and it’s incumbent on the MAYOR to make sure law enforcement is on the scene to stop this violence before it occurs. And to arrest and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law any domestic terrorists who choose to create mayhem.
Source: Total Conservative
Knowledge Is Power: The Realistic Observer is a non-profit blog dedicated to bringing as much truth as possible to the readers.
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