Dhimmitude On Steroids? What was this judge thinking?

Muhumed Samow Ali attempted to kill his former girlfriend with this machete in late 2015
Things like this cannot be made up. By the time one finishes this article, the temptation will be to either laugh hysterically or to tear one's hair out.
Hillary's iconic phrase, "What difference does it make?" definitely applies in this case. The overwhelming concern for an attempted murderer's feelings, because in jail he is teased while praying and cannot get Halal food, trumps his savage attack. The man is  dangerous. Sentence him without prejudice! He took a machete to his ex girlfriend and tried to kill her! DUH...
When they say "You can't fix stupid" "they" ain't kiddin'!
Unfortunately, this mindset is all too common  among the clueless and/or colluders.

Australia: Judge waits to jail Muslim “refugee” who tried to kill ex-girlfriend with MACHETE – after concerns he won’t be able to observe Ramadan
Look at this. “The Somalian refugee, then 52, drove his car head-on into his 45-year-old ex-partner’s vehicle near a train station then struck her seven times in the head and back with a machete as she tried to escape. She suffered a fractured skull.”
But after that savagery, his lawyer “told the court Ali was having problems properly observing Islam behind bars and had been teased during his prayers.”
He was teased during prayers.
And so the judge has asked for information about how Muslim prisoners are supposedly persecuted in prison before sending him there.
In reality, Muslim gangs terrorize non-Muslim inmates in prison. And Ali’s girlfriend suffered a lot worse than teasing. But for this judge, as with leftist authorities everywhere, Islam is paramount. It trumps all other concerns.
“Judge waits to jail Muslim refugee who tried to kill his ex-girlfriend with a machete – after concerns he won’t be able to observe Ramadan, eat halal food and may be TAUNTED while praying,” by Stephen Gibbs, Daily Mail Australia, August 29, 2017:

A judge has asked for more detail about the conditions faced by Muslim inmates in Queensland jails after hearing a refugee who tried to kill his ex-partner was having trouble observing Ramadan.
Muhumed Samow Ali appeared in the Supreme Court in Brisbane today after being convicted of trying to kill his former girlfriend with a machete at Wacol, in Brisbane’s south-west, on September 10, 2015.
He was sentenced to 10 years’ jail for attempted murder, dangerous operation of a motor vehicle, assault and going armed as to cause fear.
The Somalian refugee, then 52, drove his car head-on into his 45-year-old ex-partner’s vehicle near a train station then struck her seven times in the head and back with a machete as she tried to escape. She suffered a fractured skull.
Ali’s lawyer, Ben Power, told the court his client suffers from depression and post-traumatic stress disorder due to his experiences in his native Somalia.
Mr Power also told the court Ali was having problems properly observing Islam behind bars and had been teased during his prayers. He had been assaulted in jail.
‘The situation is there are also very few Muslims in jail,’ Mr Power said, according to The Courier-Mail.
‘He has real problems with the food in the jail … Ramadan is very difficult because they don’t make allowances for fasting so he has to store up his food in order to eat it after dusk or dawn in order to observe Ramadan.’
‘He says he is often taunted during his required prayers.’
Ali, who denied trying to kill his ex-partner, also had concerns about the halal status of some prison food.
Justice Roslyn Atkinson had said she wanted more information on the conditions for Muslim prisoners before she sentenced Ali, according to the newspaper.
‘Obviously he has the right and he should have the expectation of being able to practise his religion and all that that involves without any difficulty … including any fasting requirements,’ Justice Atkinson said.
‘And I would be surprised that he is not allowed to do that.’
Justice Atkinson also said English lessons would help Ali not feel ‘so isolated’. Such lessons were not available….  Source:  The Geller Report

Oh, poor baby, he refuses to assimilate and now his feelings are hurt because of the fallout from his own actions. Bovine Scat! Throw the book at him!

Knowledge Is Power: The Realistic Observer is a non-profit blog dedicated to bringing as much truth as possible to the readers.


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