Terror-tied CAIR Sheriff Scott Israel, an enemy within or just a useful idiot?

Many suspected from the beginning that there was something seriously wrong in the way the FL school shooting was handled. The fact quickly came out that not only one but four Sheriffs Deputies cowed outside the school during the shooting. Needles to say, this revelation not only raised suspicions, but extreme anger as well. Israel, who touted his excellent leadership to CNN's Jake Tapper further added to the view of something being completely off. There are several incidents of school shootings that have been foiled. Here is a list , of some that were prevented from 1992 to 2018, which the site claims is incomplete. What changed in the handling of the Florida case? Was it a snowflake gun free zone mindset, anti-gun hyperbole, a misguided attempt to keep crime statistics artificially low to qualify for increased funding, or an opportunity to wage a not so stealth attack on the 2nd amendment. The criminal inaction of the Broward County sheriff points to several of the above. ...