In this so-called 21st Century Police State  "Privacy" is non-existent...Everything you say, do, type, dial, speak to, write to, converse with is or can be "Recorded For Posterity!" It may well be used as Evidence against you or someone else or maybe if nothing else it will become a "Giant Data Information Cache" that Hackers, Google, Face Book, Yahoo & Many (infinite) others SELL OFF for Profit to Advertisers, Businessmen, the CIA, the NSA, the FBI or What The Hell the Russians, the Chinese, the Koreans  or Iranians...Remember the cliche; "Money Talks & Bull Shit Walks" or whatever...That my friend is Life in AMERICA today.....This is now the Orwellian Police State that we were warned about...And sadly most don't even Care about the Privacy loss...They by & large are part of the Willing Brain Dead, Brain Washed or Bribed, Extorted & Live in too much FEAR to Protest...I mean who can we Trust? ANSWER: Few if any other than GOD...

How many People understand these things we see as PERKS are being used against us...Do you use Google Maps or any other Navigation System? They tell "One & All Where you are & at every moment...The Internet does the Same...Do you use a CELL PHONE well think about it, it has a Camera, a Microphone & this Government, Face Book, Google or whoever can TURN All Of Them On without your Knowledge...Do you have a Television that you can Hook up Like your Computer to the Internet, well the CIA can Turn it on & watch your Every Move & Listen to Every Conversation you/we have if they wish ...Do You Find COMFORT in that Thought, I Don't....Ask yourself this; "Who;s Watching The Wolves Who Are Watching The Hen Houses?" Who do they ANSWER to, Who do they Work For & Where is this "River Boat Trip Down The Nile Taking Us?   You can fill in your own BLANK with that Answer...

Ask yourself this "Who Creates Wars" who is it that Sells you FEAR 24/7 & Who is it that Sells you Lie after Lie & False Promises with every Breath,Belch & Blink of an Eye? Well I if you are an AMERICAN its "Washington DC" & THE Messengers are the CIA Controlled MEDIA in All Of Its Forms..Television, Newspapers, Radio & Hollywood...Propaganda is the Name & the Game most of us Call it...

Most of us have heard for years that this GOVERNMENT wants to put a "Computer Chip" inside our BODY & most of us have said; NOT IN ME, you won't! Well with all these Smart Phones, Smart Televisions, Laptop Computers with WI-FI do they really need to....Come on People "What The Hell" did you think the "Obama Phone" was all about ? Information & Location 24 hours a day....Do you go ANYWHERE to Eat, Dine or Drink that doesn't have FREE "WI FI?"

Another QUESTION we should "Ask Ourselves" is, are we "All the Better For It?" Are we Safer, is this Right, was it Worth the PRICE of Privacy we paid for it all with? I'm not so sure!...But we are not going to put this "Genie Back In The Bottle" ... Did you see the old movie, "2001: A Space Odyssey?" Do you Remember "Hal The Computer" & how it tries to take over the Vessel?  Well think about it, computers or should we call them " Artificial  Intelligence" are PROGRAMMED by Man....Shall I use another cliche here; "Garbage In Garbage Out"....Another one is "We Are Only As Good (Strong) As Our Weakest Link.....Even if you want or wish to think this a Benign Innocent Thought (I Do Not) this is & was a "Master Plan For Disaster!"

As a Child Gowning Up, our after school entertainment included Cartoons...I remember one  that used the "Mouse Character, Sniffles The Mouse" in this case the Mouse had HUGE EARS & the Gag Line was "I Hear Everything"...It was a almost "Paranoid Pose" With all of this "Government  Intrusion" into our Lives many of us have tried to "Shelter" ourselves by "Withdrawing & Building Walls" around ourselves...And that is Understandable...It has in fact become a "Fake, Phony, Faux, Illusionary (Delusional) & Artificial World we EXIST In ...I'm sorry I cannot make myself say LIVE, for I'm not so sure this is LIVING anymore...

The Oligarchs  knew via FEAR they could "Isolate Us" it was then they could with more ease Divide Us & Conquer Us...Well the Plan Worked...Today most of the Colleges & Universities are "LIBERAL COMMUNIST THINK TANKS" & Most of the Media is Controlled by the CIA...Google "Operation Mockingbird"....Add to it the Rothschild Family owns most of the Largest News Services....Depending on your Age most People Haven't HEARD a WORD of TRUTH in Decades...If Then

Do we really understand what's going on around us? Well a few Do, most Don't & Most Could care less so long as they are Fed, Fattened & Pampered like "Livestock Being Prepped For Slaughter"....Apathy, Arrogance & a Willful Deliberate Ignorance will be the END of AMERICA....This government has us FIGHTING over Squalor or things that really don't matter...It's not about "What Your Seeing or Hearing, it's about "What They Are Hiding"...
The "Coup d’état" was Silent, Slow but it has arrived..

 As we watch the now Endless Parade Of Fools Staging, Planning &  Acting in the Carnage, Chaos & the Anarchy it was never about just Guns, Religion, Speech, Knowledge, Freedoms or for that matter Truth ! LIBERALS want CONTROL over everything, Even if it Destroys Everything, they don't care about America or You/Me & They Never did! 


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