Terror-tied CAIR Sheriff Scott Israel, an enemy within or just a useful idiot?
Many suspected from the beginning that there was something seriously wrong in the way the FL school shooting was handled. The fact quickly came out that not only one but four Sheriffs Deputies cowed outside the school during the shooting. Needles to say, this revelation not only raised suspicions, but extreme anger as well.
Israel, who touted his excellent leadership to CNN's Jake Tapper further added to the view of something being completely off.
There are several incidents of school shootings that have been foiled. Here is a list, of some that were prevented from 1992 to 2018, which the site claims is incomplete.
What changed in the handling of the Florida case? Was it a snowflake gun free zone mindset, anti-gun hyperbole, a misguided attempt to keep crime statistics artificially low to qualify for increased funding, or an opportunity to wage a not so stealth attack on the 2nd amendment.
The criminal inaction of the Broward County sheriff points to several of the above.
CAIR connected Israel has been exposed as a member of the enemy within and/or useful idiot cadres.
Fla. Governor orders investigation of terror-tied CAIR Sheriff Scott Israel whose deputies did nothing during school shootout yet he provided weapons training to radical mosque
By Pamela Geller -The Sheriff was or should have been aware of the threat Cruz presented to his community and chose to ignore it,” Hager wrote, referring to a long history of warnings and tips to the sheriff’s office over the past decade, including ones suggesting Cruz had fire arms and was planning a school shooting.
In his letter, Hager, a Republican, cited Florida statute 112.52, which he says gives Scott “removal authority for neglect of duty and incompetence.”
Contact Governor Rick Scott (850) 488-7146 and politely insist that this incompetent tool be removed for the safety of all Floridians.
Email Governor Scott – do it. Emails are made public so write carefully and unemotionally (if possible).
More Broward County deputies are under investigation for their response to the high school shooting in South Florida that left 17 dead, and it’s leaving the department on the defensive as more accusations are made public.Longtime Geller Report readers were warned about Sheriff Israel and his terror-tied department for years.
The department is investigating a claim that several deputies stayed outside Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., during the response to the mass shooting instead of immediately going inside. Already, Sheriff Scott Israel has said the first deputy there, the school’s resource officer, did not go inside even though the gunman was actively shooting.
The investigation became public after several media reports, citing unnamed officials in the nearby Coral Springs Police Department, said officers who responded to the Feb. 14 shooting were concerned because Broward deputies did not immediately enter the building to help those who had been injured inside.
Back in 2015, I reported on the terror-tied CAIR Leader Nezar Hamze being appointed deputy sheriff by Sheriff Scott Israel. The same Sheriff Israel whose department stood down and hid while children were being shot up in school by a psychopath. Instead, Israel sanctioned CAIR sheriff Hamze teaching radical mosque how to use guns.
Terror-tied Broward Sheriff is railing about gun control but provided weapons training to radical mosque linked to terrorist faction.
Another highlight of Sheriff Scott Israel’s career:
Sheriff, Israel has made it a point to reach out to diverse crowds, including those who could be considered enemies of the U.S. and her allies.CAIR-tied law enforcement officials are dirty. Who can forget Los Angeles Sheriff Baca, another CAIR plant? He plead guilty to corruption charges and is currently serving three years.
Broward Sheriff Scott Israel’s 2015 radical Muslim tour began in 2015, when he posed for photos with Sofian Abdelaziz Zakkout and a member of Zakkout’s Miami-based AMANA group at a local mosque. Zakkout is a big supporter of Hamas. On his Facebook page, one can find Hamas logos and photos of Hamas militants and leaders, including Hamas founders Ahmed Yassin and Abdel Aziz al-Rantisi and deceased Hamas bomb maker Yehiya Ayyash.
In July 2014, Zakkout organized a pro-Hamas rally held in Downtown Miami, where the crowd chanted loudly a number of anti-Jewish and pro-Hamas slogans. Zakkout is shown on video with a huge grin on his face, as his mob repeatedly screams, “We are Hamas.” Following the rally, Zakkout wrote in Arabic on his Facebook page, “Thank God, every day we conquer the American Jews like our conquests over the Jews of Israel!”
Entire fact filled article here
Knowledge Is Power: The Realistic Observer is a non-profit blog dedicated to bringing as much truth as possible to the readers.
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