Compare Trump's civil listening session to CNN's scripted melee
From the Washington Post:
Word for word: What everyone said when Trump met with students and parents to talk about guns
By Valerie Strauss February 22 at 12:25 AM Email the author
President Trump sits next to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students Carson Abt, center, and Ariana Klein at the White House on Wednesday. (Bloomberg News)
President Trump held a meeting at the White House on Wednesday with students and parents to talk about how to prevent gun violence following the shooting deaths of 17 people at a South Florida high school last week. Below is the transcript, as provided by the White House, and a video of the full meeting.
Trump was joined by Vice President Pence and Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, along with students and parents from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., the scene of last week’s shooting. Others involved with the effort to expand gun control were also present, including a D.C. student and parents who lost children in the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.
The president convened the meeting to listen to the students’ and adults’ ideas for preventing another mass shooting at a school. Among the suggestions were increasing security at schools and raising the age at which someone can purchase an assault rifle, though Trump spoke about arming teachers with firearms.
While hosting a discussion on school shootings on Feb. 21, President Trump suggested that teachers who receive “special training” could carry guns.
Some of the participants took issue, including Nicole Hockley, who lost a son in the Sandy Hook shootings:
“I appreciate the point on arming teachers. It’s not, personally, something that I support. Rather than arm them with a firearm, I would rather arm them with the knowledge of how to prevent these acts from happening in the first place. How do you identify the kids in your class that are most at risk? And then, most importantly within a school, how do we have a safety assessment program so that schools know how to deal with all these threats; have established protocols to deal with them, and get underneath the surface of what’s going on in that child’s life; find out why they’re on this pathway behavior and intervene?”You can read a Washington Post article about the meeting in the State Dining Room here, and below, find the full transcript, as provided by the White House, as well as the complete video:
Students at town hall to Washington, NRA: Guns are the problem, do something
By Emanuella Grinberg and Steve Almasy, CNN
Updated 5:19 AM ET, Thu February 22, 2018
Sunrise, Florida (CNN)They were angry and frustrated. And given the chance to face the lawmakers and others who can make their lives safer, high school students who a week ago were running from gunfire pointedly demanded change Wednesday night from Washington and the National Rifle Association.
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