Western women in denial, wake up regarding the plight of your oppressed sisters.

Airheaded bubble-brained Sarsour fans and pink hat wearing women should visit Iran where they will enjoy most rigorous prison accommodations. The amenities include starvation, beatings and rape fests.
They persist in and wallow in their alleged victimization thereby adding to the elitist-engineered political divisiveness. Obviously, they are too uninformed and/or intellectually challenged to realize that they are simply being used. This is not to deny that sexual harassment does exist, but in the Western world it is illegal.  In the West, harassment can be dealt with; however, in societies where beatings, rape, honor killings, etc are sanctioned, such is the law  
Incidentally, many in the LGBT, etc. community, as well as minorities, share the same affliction of victimization. Again not to deny that discrimination does exist, but it is illegal.
Extreme leftism requires tunnel vision. One must tread the accepted path or be excoriated, labeled a Fascist, and thus shunned.
One certainly need not waste energy thinking, analyzing, or doing any research for verification of the pablum they are being fed. Just follow the leader.
The article below discusses the harsh penalties the Iranian women face for challenging the forced wearing of the higab. Of course, the uninformed and clueless will either not read, deny, spin, or dismiss the following.

Women protesting against wearing the hijab in Iran will be charged with inciting PROSTITUTION and jailed for up to ten years

By Pamela Geller - on March 4, 2018
No cares if you wear the hijab. No one cares if you wear purple hair, for that matter. But in Iran and elsewhere in the Islamic world, women are forced to wear the hijab, beaten and/or arrested if they don’t. The punishment these courageous women in Iran are now facing is a stunning indictment of the hypocrisy of the evil left in the West, with its World Hijab Day and promotion of the hijab as a “choice.” The real “feminists” are fighting for a fraction, a sliver of the freedoms their Western “sisters” enjoy.

Remember: this is the country the Democrats are fighting for, opposing President Trump’s efforts to stop them from nuclear arming.

“Women protesting against wearing the hijab in Iran will be charged with inciting PROSTITUTION and jailed for up to ten years as regime cracks down on growing dissent,” by Sara Malm, Mailonline, February 27, 2018:

Iranian women protesting the compulsory headscarf by taking off their hijab in public could be facing up to a decade in jail for ‘inciting prostitution’, police has warned.
Authorities in Iran are desperately trying to stem the growing protests across the country against the dress code enforced on women since the Islamic revolution of 1979.
More than 35 women have been arrested in the capital Tehran alone in the past two months, with several reportedly subjected to torture while in custody.
At least two of the arrested protesters, Narges Hosseini and Shaparak Shajarizadeh, are being charged with ‘inciting corruption and prostitution’, Amnesty International reports.
Ms Shajarizadeh was arrested last Wednesday and has reportedly been subjected to beatings in prison.
Activists claim she was also ‘injected with an unknown substance by the prison authorities’ upon her arrest.
Ms Hosseini was arrested just over a month ago and has since been in custody in unknown conditions.
If they are found guilty of inciting corruption and prostitution, they could face up to ten years in prison….
‘Rather than threatening women with jail terms for claiming their human rights, the authorities should immediately abolish the discriminatory, abusive and degrading laws and practices of compulsory veiling.’
The recent wave of defiance started with Vida Movahed, a 31-year-old mother-of-one whose protest and subsequent arrest on December 27 became headline news all over the world.
A video showing her calmly waving her white hijab tied to a stick above the crowds in the Iranian capital, went viral on social media.
Ms Movahed, who became known as The Girl In Enghelab Street, was released over the weekend, after spending a month in custody with her 20-month-daughter….

Original Post:The Geller Report

Knowledge Is Power: The Realistic Observer is a non-profit blog dedicated to bringing as much truth as possible to the readers.


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