Many DC actors engaged in illegal surveillance and spreading of propaganda

The outright illegal chicanery taking place prior to and after the recent election reads like a spy novel with so many twists and turns as to be unfathomable.
The one  thing that this past election provided was to exposed that the depth of the swamp beyond our wildest suspicions. Machinations were not to just limited to one or a few individuals, but involved entire institutions, both governmental and private.
The prior President and his minions remain quite active. Not only have they been "shadowing" the present WH occupant, but they are now taking to the commercial airwaves, as the excerpt from the last article below indicates.
The following write-ups combined reveal an overwhelmingly sickening picture of the depth to which the governmental arm of our republic has sunk. Unfortunately, this is only the tip of the iceberg.
America, grab your life jackets, it's going to get rougher.

 Examples of DC iniquities: 

Texts Indicate FBI Was Briefing Obama WH in Early Stages of Trump-Russia Investigation
By Susan Jones |
Fox News has obtained several more text messages between FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page that "suggest a possible coordination" between high-ranking officials in the Obama administration in the early stages of the Trump-Russia investigation.

"It continues to stink," House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) said on Wednesday.According to Fox News: more

  Leaked Texts Suggest Coordination Between Obama White House, CIA, FBI And Dems To Launch Trump-Russia Probe
Congressional investigators looking into the origins of Special Counsel Mueller's Russia probe believe they've found a smoking gun that could justify the appointment of a special counsel to investigate whether the Obama administration exerted undue influence over the FBI.

A series of text messages between FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok and DOJ lawyer Lisa Page have revealed the involvement of Denis McDonough, Obama's chief of staff, John Brennan, Obama's CIA director, and former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in helping create an atmosphere of paranoia that gave them the political cover to launch the Russia probe back in the summer of 2016.

The investigators who leaked the information to Fox said the texts between Strzok and Page "strongly" suggest coordination between the White House, two independent intelligence agencies, and a Democratic Congressional leader. That would "contradict" the Obama administration's claims of non-involvement. more

A major player in the private sector joins the party:

Did Facebook illegally assist the Obama campaign?
 View three minute video:

Hmmm, is a probe sufficient?

IG Launches Probe Into DOJ, FBI For Alleged Abuse in Surveillance of Trump Campaign
The Department of Justice Office of Inspector General announced Wednesday it is launching a review into whether the Justice Department and the FBI violated the law and applicable policies when using the Steele dossier to obtain a surveillance warrant on a former Trump campaign member.

DOJ Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz is launching the review in response to requests from Attorney General Jeff Sessions and members of Congress, according to a statement.

The probe will review information that was known to the DOJ and the FBI at the time the warrant applications were filed from or about Christopher Steele, the ex-British spy who authored the dossier.

The DOJ and FBI did not tell the secret court that issued the surveillance warrant on former Trump adviser Carter Page that the dossier was funded by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. More 

The war against Trump and those who voted for him continues:

 Susan Rice, ex-Obama official, appointed to Netflix board of directors
Former national security adviser and U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice now has a new role on Netflix's board of directors, appearing to follow her former boss who is in reported "advanced negotiations" to create a series of shows with the streaming giant.

The company made the announcement on Wednesday, with Netflix co-founder and CEO Reed Hastings praising her prior work on intelligence issues for former President Barack Obama.

In fact, Rice's former boss may be joining her at Netflix, as the New York Times first reported earlier this month the 56-year-old was in talks for a deal that would pay him and his wife, former first lady Michelle Obama, for Netflix-only “exclusive content” that would be available to subscribers of the digital streaming service.

Netflix has about 118 million subscribers globally. It was not immediately clear how many shows or episodes would be ordered or how much the Obamas would be paid. more 

Knowledge Is Power: The Realistic Observer is a non-profit blog dedicated to bringing as much truth as possible to the readers.


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