Slavery in today's world: a most vile truth the "Powers That Be" seemingly ignores

The fact that the femnazis are dead silent on the issue of sex slavery in the Islamic world proves that their agenda is not about women's rights.
The fact that BLM and other militant Black groups are dead silent about the enslavement of sub Saharan Black Africans again bespeaks of a hidden agenda. Neither group is about misogyny and/or racism. They are about sedition and the imposition of a totalitarian regime to their liking.
Nonetheless, despite the miserable failures of these so-called advocacy groups, we cannot ignore one brutal fact---slavery continues to flourish in many forms thorough out the world.
The first article below examines sex slavery in the Islamist world.
The second discusses the well known slave trade in Lybia.

ISIS Opens Sex-Slave Market in Turkey’s Capital
By Pamela Geller - on November 28, 2017


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