In case you missed this: Lawyer Has Hard Drives Showing Trump WAS Spied Upon

It was becoming ever more obvious that the previous administration was not only lawless but completely out of control in several areas.
Trump's assertions regarding suspected "wiretapping", although initially dismissed and belittled, have been proven to be correct via hard evidence.
Surveillance by any other name is still surveillance.
The following article addresses the issue concerning Trump.

Re-Assigned FBI Lawyer James Baker Has Hard Drives Showing Trump Was Spied On
Patrick Howley Dec 23, 2017
FBI lawyer James Baker has been re-assigned at the bureau as new FBI director Christopher Wray picks up the pieces from fired FBI director James Comey. Baker is a friend and ally of Comey.

Knowledge Is Power: The Realistic Observer is a non-profit blog dedicated to bringing as much truth as possible to the readers.


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