Exposed: the surreptitious UN 2030 Agenda that drives international labor migration

As usual, Ann delivers the goods on the entire "refugee" scam, er situation. It has been obvious for decades that the UN is an elitist creation designed to suck the citizens of the Earth into believing that its agenda is humanitarian. It is anything but. Oh yes, it does have a few sub agencies designed to keep the peace, aid those in under developed nations, etc. The bitter truth about these organizations is that they have become corrupt, and have failed miserably to successfully execute their mandates. Here and here , are but two of many links on that subject. A most odious example of the malfeasance of the UN peace keeping forces engaging in rape is discussed here , which again is but one of many articles on this loathsome matter. The following article exposes what many of us "knew" all along. The Globalist plan for totalitarian control of planet Earth is veiled in the "humanitarian" cloak of eliminating world poverty. With such a corrupt...