Exposed Podesta connection with refugee resettlement, which helps to drive Islamist indoctrination in public schools

By now, many are aware that "refugee" resettlement is a thinly disguised mechanism to change the demographics of the host nations. When Syrian refugees are outnumbered by young strong North African males who are seeking economic gains, it is obvious that something is amiss. Their behavior and values are dismissive of and threatening to the citizens of the host nations. There is much discussion  and many links regarding the rampant crimes and rapes committed by those who refuse Western values. Thus; we need not go into that here.
The increasing number of Muslims inevitably leads to demands that society grant them special accommodations and eventually bend to their will. Sharia Law and Islamism in the public schools are the norm in Muslim dominated areas. In the West, there are many enablers, both knowing and unknowing, of the defacto cultural destruction being wrought by the increasing numbers of migrants who have no intention of assimilating into their adopted country.
The first article below brings further attention to the Islamist indoctrination in our schools, which is the tried and true tactic of getting them while they are young and impressionable. The second brings to light a connection between the sordid Podesta group and the refugee resettlement scam, er program which is designed to upend Western values and tighten the elitist/globalist grip.

School Assignment: Write to Your Family Saying You’ve Converted to Islam
What would you do if your 12-year-old daughter had a homework assignment asking her to explain to you why she decided to convert to Islam?
This actually happened in a school in Sunderland in northern England, the Daily Mail reported.
Students at Kepier School were given this assignment:

Write a letter to family about converting to islam [sic]
Stepfather Mark McLachlan brought the issue to public attention after he refused to allow his stepdaughter to complete her homework.
McLachlan said he appreciates students learn about world religions at school but added:
“What I don’t want is a school asking my stepdaughter to look into reasons for converting to another religion.”
Clarion closely follows the curriculum issue, particularly in the U.S. where we reported on problematic cases in Maryland, Texas and elsewhere.
Let us know your thoughts in this poll:
What would you do if your child was asked to write about why they converted to Islam?
entire post: with more information additional links   

Surprise! Podesta Group connection with  Islamist refugee resettlement (read invasion)
One less swamp creature! Podesta Group closing! 
by Ann Corcoran
Excerpt: Our interest (story here from Breitbart in case you missed it) is in the fact that, for 2017, the Refugee Industry lobbying arm (Refugee Council USA) had dropped 100K on Podesta to lobby certain Senators, including prominent Republicans, for their help in assuring they would get more refugees and more money for themselves.
Targets specifically identified in the proposal included, among others, Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, as well as Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), and Senator Susan Collins (R-ME), all on the Senate Appropriations Committee.
I would love to know whose brilliant idea it was to spend that kind of money on lobbyists in the swamp—-lobbyists who are now on a sinking ship.
Did the refugee contractors get their money’s worth?
entire post here

Knowledge Is Power: The Realistic Observer is a non-profit blog dedicated to bringing as much truth as possible to the readers.


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