When you get past  the Optics, the Verbiage, the Hyperbole much less the Emotions we have an AMERICA going in TWO TOTALLY Different Directions! The "Old Schoolers" which I see as mostly Christian, Conservative or Libertarian preferred a system where you Learned,Earned , Paved & Deserved to reap the benefits of the seeds you sowed....We believed in Limited Government, we believed in a True Right or Wrong,Morals, Reason , Logic or Rational...

The other side of the coin we see now the Socialists, the Communists, the Neo-NAZI'S, Marxists, Progressive Liberals that have been reincarnated in the Stalin, Lenin, Marx, Hitler Traditions....It took them 100 plus years to pull of this "Coup d’état" but here we are...That side of the Political specter is SPLIT between the "Animal Trainers" the politicians, the media , the Oligarchs (the Real Power)& the Tools Fools, Idiots & Parasites the Eat up all the Obvious LIES & PROPAGANDA without ever questioning why....That Group of Parasites want FREE Food, Housing, Medical, Sex (Perverted Preferred)& no Christian Morals, Rights or Wrongs....They Openly Hate but Openly & Overtly accuse others of the same behavior...

Once Upon A Time we supposedly had Two Political Parties...Well you can't prove that by me anymore ..What I see everyday via ACTIONS is TWO CRIME FAMILIES fighting for control of the street Pushers, the Drugs, the Booze, the Sex, the Spoils or the Money....They want it all...your Thoughts, your Dreams, your Treasures down to "The Last Breath" we take...That's if we have a permit to take that breath....

Think about it, the Politicians, the Media Personalities & the LARGE Organized Religions are always "Rhetorically Speaking, Belching, Farting about PEACE,Love & Harmony & why can't we can all get alone? wit I say Bull...they are the One's who KEEP us divided, they turn our words into Hate....

Let's be honest here, this world has been here for centuries, HATE is not/was not exclusive to anyone...In America's own History we've fought a "Revolutionary War" the Civil War, WWI & WWII...not counting other smaller Wars...The Question we should ask ourselves is twofold, what did we learn & where are we now? ...Seems like little to nothing to me!

We all have Differences, we all have Opinions, we have all made Mistakes, we have all had Victories & we once had LIMITED Freedoms....Well those are DEAD...QUESTION: If we can't Air Out our "Dirty Laundry" because of "Political Correctness" how else do you Resolve ISSUES except through WAR or Violence? No ones has been able to "Legislate Morality" with any success as I see it...Has PRISONS stopped Theft or it hasn't ...Education via Schools haven't made anyone Smarter as I see it...Common Sense can't be bought or sold...And Believing In Something or Some One should not have to be Accomplished via "Behavior Modification & Brain Washing" but that's what's going on now...

Was it the GOAL to have a "Robotic Culture" all Programmed to behave & Serve...not GOD but Government Leaders? The Cancerous Narcissism that lives inside today's "RULING CLASS" of Serpents threatens this PLANET.The Frankenstein Monster we should have FEARED was GOVERNMENT...all of them...But in our Case it's WASHINGTON DC..

Socialism or Totalitarianism seemingly has cast a Spell & put a Veil over everyone's eyes..They've tried to sell the IDEA that they will Deliver us unto our "UTOPIAN WORLD" & all we have to do is Trust them...My, My,My Said The Spider To The Fly, Step Right Ahead Into My Web"...Government is HELL Masquerading as is & will be our DEATH... 


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