Sweden drowning in the rapids of its nonplussed leadership's bafflement and/or betrayal
The action pictured above is also happening in certain areas of the U.S.
The sheer size of America dilutes the impact overall, but in areas where it does take place, it is most definitely felt. The difference between Europe and most of America is that in the U.S., the "authorities" can attempt to cover up Islamic crimes for so long without irate push back from the citizenry.
Also, all over America, angry parents are challenging the teaching of Islam in the public schools that goes far beyond a historical context and plunges into outright religious indoctrination.
There are flabby brained local American officials who try desperately either out of ignorance, Dhimmitude, or treachery, to counter any so called Islamophobia. Many of the new migrants feel they have the right, indeed the obligation, to harass, beat up, and rape non Muslim women, children and even men. Demands by the public for the effective dealing with such Islamic crimes are met with derision and/or incalcitrance by many local governing bodies. They cite the approved narrative---accusations of racism, Islamophobia, the benefit of resulting economic growth, bla bla bla. In reality, they are undoubtedly receiving financial compensation for housing refugees, and many local employers benefit from cheap factory labor. Most Americans do not buy the obviously choreographed song and dance.
There are a plethora of blogs on this issue, but one of the most informative and targeted is Ann Corcoran's Refugee Resettlement Watch, a treasure trove of information.
Prior to the influx of migrants resulting from the deftly engineered unrest in the Middle East, courtesy of the Muslim Brotherhood's allies in certain Western Leaderships, there were Muslim communities in the West that were largely peaceful, taxpaying citizens, and barely noticeable to the non-Muslim population. The present migrants are of an entirely different breed. Many are radicalized, openly hostile, threatening, and refuse to assimilate into their host nations' way of life. They bring chaos and blatantly declare their intention to eventually seek cultural conquest of the native populations. They are devouring their hosts piece by piece. Now many nations which accepted large numbers of these de facto invaders, are on the edge of the cliff. Some appear to have fallen over, courtesy of their ineffective and/or treacherous leadership.
The following post discusses Sweden, whose overtaxed law enforcement has sounded the clarion and are openly acknowledging what has been the case all along, they need help. The police seem to get it, but the political leadership remains befuddled over the rise of Islamic extremism and chooses to remain at sea over the entire issue. Are they being threatened, blackmailed, or acting as NWO agents seeking the destruction of their own nation in the name of "World Peace" and "equality" for all.
Sweden Faces The Abyss; National Police Head Begs For Help
July 21, 2017 JoshuaPundit
Sweden’s National Police Commissioner, Dan Eliasson, recently spoke on national television and shocked his fellow Swedes by pleading for assistance. “Help us, help us!,” he said, while warning that Swedish police forces no longer can uphold the law and therefore must ask all “good powers” in the country to support them. Sweden faces the abyss of lawlessness and perhaps even a defacto civil war.
Commissioner Eliasson’s remarks reflect a shocking change for the worse in what used to be one of Europe’s most peaceful and law abiding countries.
A leaked report concluded that the number of “no-go zones”) in Sweden now totals 61, up from 55 in just one year’s time. This increase represents not only the total number, but also the geographical size of these areas. The Swedish authorities themselves refer to these areas as utenforskap, which roughly translates as ‘excluded areas.’ What it amounts to is that Muslim gangs are carving out territory for themselves where they’re the ones in control, not the Swedish authorities.
Police chief Lars Alversjø says that, “There is lawlessness in parts of Stockholm now.” He also said, “The legal system, which is a pillar in every democratic society, is collapsing in Sweden.”
One interesting sign of this is a shocking rise of female genital mutilation (FGM), unheard of in Sweden until recently. A new report partly written by SVT, the Swedish state media, reported that at least 150,000 women in Sweden have experienced genital mutilation. This procedure can involve partial or complete removal of the clitoris (i.e., clitoridectomy, clitorectomy or infibulation) plus excision of the labia as well. All too often, this operation is performed on pre teen girls as young as 4 or 5 years old by people who are not licensed medial practitioners in unsterile conditions, and without anesthesia. The actual numbers of women living in Sweden who have experienced FGM may be far higher.
In 2015, there was a report that something like “only” 38,000 women had experienced genital mutilation. The new report shows how this has skyrocketed, even though it is illegal in Sweden.
Sexual assaults have increased as well. New data from Sweden’s national bureau for statistics, BRÅ says that 3,430 rapes was reported the first six months of 2017, up 14 percent compared to the previous half-year. In all, 9,680 sexual crimes was committed from January to June. According to a BRÅ report from 2013,only 23 percent of sexual crimes in Sweden are reported, which means that we can extrapolate the real number of sexual crimes the last six months in Sweden amounts to around 42,000.

According to statistics,92 percent of all severe rapes (violent rapes) are committed by migrants and refugees. 100 percent of all attack rapes (where victim and attacker had no previous contact) are committed by that same group. The countries of origin for the refugees who committed those rapes, in order of the number of perpetrators are Afghanistan, Somalia, Eritrea, Syria, Gambia, Iran, Palestine, and Kosovo. Migrants and refugees from Afghanistan are79 times more likely to commit rape than Swedes.
Another indication of how badly things are going are the efforts by Sweden’s Left wing government to hide them. Being critical of Islam, the Swedish government’s refugee policies or how individual members of the government are handling this crisis can get you a hefty fine, or in some cases even a jail sentence…or both.
But things are progressing to the point where it is getting harder and harder to hide what’s going on.
Magnus Ranstorp is a researcher into terrorism and radicalization at the Swedish National Defense College. Writing about the current situation in Sweden, he noted, “In the worst areas, extremists have taken over. The whole sense of justice and peace are threatened by the fact that the police is breaking down and it’s only getting worse. Sweden is in a disastrous situation”
2011 recipient of Sweden’s Order of the Seraphim medal, Johan Patrik Engellau, a research expert regarding destabilized countries, has been working with organizations such as the UN and others that operate in crisis areas.His take oin this is interesting as well, especially in view of thinking of Sweden as a ‘crisis area.’
“I’m afraid it is the end for the well-organized, decent, and egalitarian Sweden we have known up to now. Personally, I would not be surprised if a form of civil war occurs. In some places, the civil war has probably already begun.”
READ Sweden's Clueless Government Puzzled Over 'Rise In Islamic Extremism'
“The government does not seem to understand that it has lost control. There is a point where you can no longer stop a situation’s development. I do not know if Sweden has reached this point when it comes to the consequences of immigration, but I fear we are drawing close. If we right here and now take and clear and powerful action – including stopping immigration and the political promotion of multiculturalism – we might with some difficulty be able to save Sweden.”
Difficulty might just be the word for it. Sweden’s entire regular military consists of under 10,000 men in all branches of service, army, air force and navy. They have perhaps as many as reserves. The Hemvärnet, a sort of part time home guard has perhaps another 14,000.
There ar4e questions, even from within Sweden as to whether that’s enough military to defend Sweden, especially from a homeland insurrection. Lt. Col. Johan Wiktorin (ret.), a leading Swedish security consultant has been quite vocal about saying that Sweden’s military is “simply too small to defend its territory.” And remember, while Col. Wiktorin is thinking in terms of Russia, what we’re talking about here is controlling an area of 170,000 square miles in a conflict that would include urban warfare, only using Sweden’s land forces. And it’s also worth remembering that this kind of conflict is one in which a number of Sweden’s ‘guests’ have experience in places like Syria and Iraq.
So Sweden faces the abyss, whether its government wants to acknowledge it or not. What happens next? We’ll see. Rob Miller writes for Joshuapundit. His articles have appeared in The Jerusalem Post, The Washington Examiner, American Thinker, The Los Angeles Times, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The San Francisco Chronicle, Real Clear Politics, The Times Of Israel, Breitbart.Com and other publications.
Source: WOW Magazine
Knowledge Is Power: The Realistic Observer is a non-profit blog dedicated to bringing as much truth as possible to the readers.
The sheer size of America dilutes the impact overall, but in areas where it does take place, it is most definitely felt. The difference between Europe and most of America is that in the U.S., the "authorities" can attempt to cover up Islamic crimes for so long without irate push back from the citizenry.
Also, all over America, angry parents are challenging the teaching of Islam in the public schools that goes far beyond a historical context and plunges into outright religious indoctrination.
There are flabby brained local American officials who try desperately either out of ignorance, Dhimmitude, or treachery, to counter any so called Islamophobia. Many of the new migrants feel they have the right, indeed the obligation, to harass, beat up, and rape non Muslim women, children and even men. Demands by the public for the effective dealing with such Islamic crimes are met with derision and/or incalcitrance by many local governing bodies. They cite the approved narrative---accusations of racism, Islamophobia, the benefit of resulting economic growth, bla bla bla. In reality, they are undoubtedly receiving financial compensation for housing refugees, and many local employers benefit from cheap factory labor. Most Americans do not buy the obviously choreographed song and dance.
There are a plethora of blogs on this issue, but one of the most informative and targeted is Ann Corcoran's Refugee Resettlement Watch, a treasure trove of information.
Prior to the influx of migrants resulting from the deftly engineered unrest in the Middle East, courtesy of the Muslim Brotherhood's allies in certain Western Leaderships, there were Muslim communities in the West that were largely peaceful, taxpaying citizens, and barely noticeable to the non-Muslim population. The present migrants are of an entirely different breed. Many are radicalized, openly hostile, threatening, and refuse to assimilate into their host nations' way of life. They bring chaos and blatantly declare their intention to eventually seek cultural conquest of the native populations. They are devouring their hosts piece by piece. Now many nations which accepted large numbers of these de facto invaders, are on the edge of the cliff. Some appear to have fallen over, courtesy of their ineffective and/or treacherous leadership.
The following post discusses Sweden, whose overtaxed law enforcement has sounded the clarion and are openly acknowledging what has been the case all along, they need help. The police seem to get it, but the political leadership remains befuddled over the rise of Islamic extremism and chooses to remain at sea over the entire issue. Are they being threatened, blackmailed, or acting as NWO agents seeking the destruction of their own nation in the name of "World Peace" and "equality" for all.
Sweden Faces The Abyss; National Police Head Begs For Help
July 21, 2017 JoshuaPundit
Sweden’s National Police Commissioner, Dan Eliasson, recently spoke on national television and shocked his fellow Swedes by pleading for assistance. “Help us, help us!,” he said, while warning that Swedish police forces no longer can uphold the law and therefore must ask all “good powers” in the country to support them. Sweden faces the abyss of lawlessness and perhaps even a defacto civil war.
Commissioner Eliasson’s remarks reflect a shocking change for the worse in what used to be one of Europe’s most peaceful and law abiding countries.
A leaked report concluded that the number of “no-go zones”) in Sweden now totals 61, up from 55 in just one year’s time. This increase represents not only the total number, but also the geographical size of these areas. The Swedish authorities themselves refer to these areas as utenforskap, which roughly translates as ‘excluded areas.’ What it amounts to is that Muslim gangs are carving out territory for themselves where they’re the ones in control, not the Swedish authorities.
Police chief Lars Alversjø says that, “There is lawlessness in parts of Stockholm now.” He also said, “The legal system, which is a pillar in every democratic society, is collapsing in Sweden.”
One interesting sign of this is a shocking rise of female genital mutilation (FGM), unheard of in Sweden until recently. A new report partly written by SVT, the Swedish state media, reported that at least 150,000 women in Sweden have experienced genital mutilation. This procedure can involve partial or complete removal of the clitoris (i.e., clitoridectomy, clitorectomy or infibulation) plus excision of the labia as well. All too often, this operation is performed on pre teen girls as young as 4 or 5 years old by people who are not licensed medial practitioners in unsterile conditions, and without anesthesia. The actual numbers of women living in Sweden who have experienced FGM may be far higher.
In 2015, there was a report that something like “only” 38,000 women had experienced genital mutilation. The new report shows how this has skyrocketed, even though it is illegal in Sweden.
Sexual assaults have increased as well. New data from Sweden’s national bureau for statistics, BRÅ says that 3,430 rapes was reported the first six months of 2017, up 14 percent compared to the previous half-year. In all, 9,680 sexual crimes was committed from January to June. According to a BRÅ report from 2013,only 23 percent of sexual crimes in Sweden are reported, which means that we can extrapolate the real number of sexual crimes the last six months in Sweden amounts to around 42,000.

According to statistics,92 percent of all severe rapes (violent rapes) are committed by migrants and refugees. 100 percent of all attack rapes (where victim and attacker had no previous contact) are committed by that same group. The countries of origin for the refugees who committed those rapes, in order of the number of perpetrators are Afghanistan, Somalia, Eritrea, Syria, Gambia, Iran, Palestine, and Kosovo. Migrants and refugees from Afghanistan are79 times more likely to commit rape than Swedes.
Another indication of how badly things are going are the efforts by Sweden’s Left wing government to hide them. Being critical of Islam, the Swedish government’s refugee policies or how individual members of the government are handling this crisis can get you a hefty fine, or in some cases even a jail sentence…or both.
But things are progressing to the point where it is getting harder and harder to hide what’s going on.
Magnus Ranstorp is a researcher into terrorism and radicalization at the Swedish National Defense College. Writing about the current situation in Sweden, he noted, “In the worst areas, extremists have taken over. The whole sense of justice and peace are threatened by the fact that the police is breaking down and it’s only getting worse. Sweden is in a disastrous situation”
2011 recipient of Sweden’s Order of the Seraphim medal, Johan Patrik Engellau, a research expert regarding destabilized countries, has been working with organizations such as the UN and others that operate in crisis areas.His take oin this is interesting as well, especially in view of thinking of Sweden as a ‘crisis area.’
“I’m afraid it is the end for the well-organized, decent, and egalitarian Sweden we have known up to now. Personally, I would not be surprised if a form of civil war occurs. In some places, the civil war has probably already begun.”
READ Sweden's Clueless Government Puzzled Over 'Rise In Islamic Extremism'
“The government does not seem to understand that it has lost control. There is a point where you can no longer stop a situation’s development. I do not know if Sweden has reached this point when it comes to the consequences of immigration, but I fear we are drawing close. If we right here and now take and clear and powerful action – including stopping immigration and the political promotion of multiculturalism – we might with some difficulty be able to save Sweden.”
Difficulty might just be the word for it. Sweden’s entire regular military consists of under 10,000 men in all branches of service, army, air force and navy. They have perhaps as many as reserves. The Hemvärnet, a sort of part time home guard has perhaps another 14,000.
There ar4e questions, even from within Sweden as to whether that’s enough military to defend Sweden, especially from a homeland insurrection. Lt. Col. Johan Wiktorin (ret.), a leading Swedish security consultant has been quite vocal about saying that Sweden’s military is “simply too small to defend its territory.” And remember, while Col. Wiktorin is thinking in terms of Russia, what we’re talking about here is controlling an area of 170,000 square miles in a conflict that would include urban warfare, only using Sweden’s land forces. And it’s also worth remembering that this kind of conflict is one in which a number of Sweden’s ‘guests’ have experience in places like Syria and Iraq.
So Sweden faces the abyss, whether its government wants to acknowledge it or not. What happens next? We’ll see. Rob Miller writes for Joshuapundit. His articles have appeared in The Jerusalem Post, The Washington Examiner, American Thinker, The Los Angeles Times, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The San Francisco Chronicle, Real Clear Politics, The Times Of Israel, Breitbart.Com and other publications.
Source: WOW Magazine
Knowledge Is Power: The Realistic Observer is a non-profit blog dedicated to bringing as much truth as possible to the readers.
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