With a few exceptions, the EU has apparently surrendered to Islamism

Why is the European Leadership mindset so passive in the face of their own nations' cultural extinction? How can anyone be so dense, so clueless so puerile so as not to have foreseen at the very start of this hijrah what the true objective was. The collective stance is now breaking apart some what (Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, and Slovakia defying migrant quotas); however, Europe at the present point has largely gone over the edge. Rapes, beatings, honor killings and/or killing of non-Muslims are all treated gingerly because of "cultural differences". The mores (social conduct) of the various states making up the EU are being destroyed, including such mundane practices as defecating only in toilets. Behold: UK university reminds “multicultural” students to poop only in toilets, not showers or trash cans, then immediately apologizes for being insensitive Seriously? The following article discusses the surrender of Italy's feckless leadership to the invas...