Podesta, Corruption On Steroids

Sigh, another case of "worse than we thought". We "knew" Podesta was sleazy and corrupt. We also knew about his connection to Russian banks through his brother, Tony. However, the amount he raked in is staggering.
So, what manner of advice was he giving Hillary as to how to deal with the Russians? Trick question?

$35 million! That’s how much John Podesta’s company was paid by the Kremlin!
H/T Joe LaVeque
Tuesday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Breitbart editor at large Peter Schweizer, the author of “Clinton Cash,” detailed how the former chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign John Podesta may have violated federal law by failing to disclose stock shares he owned from a Kremlin-funded company....

He added, “What makes the Podesta case clear is there was a transfer of money and there was a transfer of a lot of money that stood to make John Podesta a lot of money. That is unique and that’s extremely troubling because at the time that transfer is taking place he is advising Hillary Clinton at the State Department. We know that from the Podesta emails that he is helping her make personnel decisions, speech decisions, policy decisions. He is meeting with her monthly. It’s a transfer of money from a foreign government, at the time, that is he was advising America’s chief diplomat, Hillary Clinton.” More

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