The Underground Against Trump Has Now Fully Surfaced
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Sedition: incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority |
There is much work to do for this new administration. Everyone expected that snowflakes and cupcakes would emerge to protest and grieve over Hillary's loss. They did and gloriously so to the point of drawing ridicule rather than sympathy.
Then, of course we had the usual Soros funded useful idiots blocking traffic, breaking windows, assaulting trump supporters, etc. All attention was being focused on them, perhaps by design so as to deflect from Obama's underground, underhanded activities. He was creating a more sinister operation---that of a shadow government meant solely to discredit and remove Trump. A few had sounded the clarion of such seditious activity in the making, but it had not become so blatantly obvious until recently.
The usual leftist arrogance did not take into account that the entire American public was not as stupid as had been portrayed. The clear mined citizenry, who dwell in reality land, can see through the curtain of lies by the politicians, leftist talking heads, and the MSM. They continue to support Trump's agenda, which is their own. They want America back. Those who want America to return to the Constitution and cherish The Bill of Rights are coming into action by organizing several pro Trump demonstrations in March.
That is a start, but unfortunately, it will probably take much more.The left is relentless and dangerous, and as Trump stated on the campaign trail, will stop at nothing to achieve their goal.
Those who are funding and driving this obviously seditious movement must be arrested, tried and given the proper penalty. Once the head of the snake is cut off it will eventually die. However, its directionless body will continue to thrash until its final death. Rest assured the dead snake's spawn will lay low and arise when the opportunity presents itself.
Obama's hatred of America is most obvious to many. Unfortunately, many useful idiots are all too willing to crown him the Messiah. Those of us who see through him just want to crown him. His connections are many and for an excellent insight and background on this man, go here.
Excerpts from the the articles below address the issues raised above.
Let's take a look at some of his present activities:
On January 7, 2017, Daniel Greenfield published the article Obama Quietly Hiring New OFA Staff to Fight Trump. in which he also referenced that back in November he had written Obama was plotting to use OFA to set the agenda. and that that he just might get away with it. Greenfield's articles were most prescient and affirmed what many believed--Obama had no intention of going into the night quietly. more
Here are a few links specifying what OFA means to recruits:
Get Updates on OFA Training Programs"Organizing for Action is training the next generation of progressive organizers as they work on important issues across the country. OFA's hands-on fellowship and training programs provide the skills and tools necessary to empower grassroots organizers to make a difference in their communities." more
Your voice can change a room.
OFA is committed to mobilizing and training the next generation of progressive organizers and leaders, because real, lasting change doesn’t just happen on its own—it requires a program, it requires organizing, and it requires people like you.
With grassroots chapters in neighborhoods across the country, OFA volunteers are building this movement from the ground up, person to person, community by community—because democracy isn’t a spectator sport. more
Take a deep breath. Then take action.It's troubling to see years of progress and hard work on the line, but here's how community organizers get through it: We take action.
Keep in mind that progress never comes served on a silver platter; we've always had to work for it. From marriage equality to climate change to health care reform, it's taken years—sometimes decades—of sustained effort from a broad base of citizens to bring these issues to the forefront and persuade decision-makers to move us forward. So in that sense, this new political climate is no different. We've been here before. more
All of the above sounds innocuous, but make no mistake these are training camps for upending the American way--either by persuasion or by insurrection.
A financial coup for OFA:
Obama RELAUNCHES Efforts to “Fundamentally Change America”!
by Hardworking1
While researching and writing my article last week about organizations like Black Lives Matter (BLM) getting a tax exempt IRS 501(c)3 designation I discovered that the Obama Administration went even farther than that with some liberal/progressive organization’s tax exempt designations! Obama’s “Organizing for Action” (OFA) got a 501(c)4 designation, This is even more “troubling” than BLM getting the tax exempt designation, 501(c)3, because the OFA tax exempt designation 501(c)4 allows organizations to “engage in substantial lobbying activities”! ...
Why did I say that OFA having this tax exempt designation is “troubling”? All you have to do is look at OFA’s history to answer that question. OFA is an organization that evolved out of Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign, which evolved out of “Organizing for America”, which was part of Obama’s 2008 election campaign. OFA was formed and is operated by former Obama campaign and administration staff. It is an organization whose “Mission Statement” is to fulfill Obama’s dream of “Fundamentally Changing America”, which is to ultimately make America part of George Soros’ ”one world order”.
How did a group like OFA get a tax exempt designation like this? As you can see from the information above there is ample opportunity for racist and corrupt IRS or DOJ personnel to make a BIASED DECISION regarding a group’s eligibility for tax exempt designation, or if they can keep their tax exempt designation if they already have one. more
AMAC Calls for Peaceful Opposition to Violent Protesters Bent on Anarchy
WASHINGTON, DC, Feb 17 – “Anti-government protesters seek to disrupt the work of our nation’s elected officials on a scale never seen before,” says Dan Weber, president of the Association of Mature American Citizens. “And former President Obama says he approves,”
In fact, Weber notes, 10 days after he left office Mr. Obama’s spokesman issued a statement saying, “President Obama is heartened by the level of engagement taking place in communities around the country,”
The AMAC chief points to the fact that the protesters appear to be well organized, earning the moniker, Obama’s Army. That’s how the New York Times described the phenomenon. more
Orwellian categorization and excoriation of those who fight for true freedom:
The Globalist Long Game - Redefine Liberty Activism As Evil "Populism"
Since early 2016 (according to globalists and the mainstream publications featuring their opinions), there has been a rising tide of nationalists and “populists” in western nations. This sudden surge in “populism” is inexorably tied to the Brexit movement and the support for candidates like Donald Trump. Populism will overrun the existing “stability” of globalism and cause severe economic crisis in numerous countries. It finds its roots in the “less educated” portions of the population, as well as in older generations that think they have something to lose if globalism succeeds. It is also driven by an “irrational fear” of economic change, global interdependence and multiculturalism. Populists are predominantly naive and desperate for “strongmen” leaders to fight for them. Some of them are motivated by self interest, while others are motivated by racism.
It is well worth the read to go here for the entire article.
Traitors within:
In her article Flynn, Trump, and Countering The Four Horsemen of the Liberal Apocalypse, Susan Swift of Politichicks discusses the political assassination of Flynn by the shadow government set up by Trump's predecessor.
Eli Lake called it a political assassination. The New York Times steadfastly maintains there is “no evidence” that the Trump campaign was colluding with the Russians
to influence the election. But that didn’t stop the Four Horseman of
the Liberal Apocalypse from taking down General Micheal Flynn.
Who are the Four Horseman of the Liberal Apocalypse? The Media, the Establishment RINOs, Elected Democrats, and Obama’s shadowy unelected bureaucrat operatives embedded within the DeepState. These Four Horsemen continue to work in coordination to weaken and delegitimize President Trump’s election triumph over of Hillary Clinton. Former President Barrack Obama appears to be leading the Horsemen’s charge.
Author Ed Klein told Pete Hegseth on Fox and Friends Weekend in December that former President “Barack Obama is setting up a shadow government in Washington DC to undermine President Trump after Inauguration Day.”
Is this not sedition? entire article
Who are the Four Horseman of the Liberal Apocalypse? The Media, the Establishment RINOs, Elected Democrats, and Obama’s shadowy unelected bureaucrat operatives embedded within the DeepState. These Four Horsemen continue to work in coordination to weaken and delegitimize President Trump’s election triumph over of Hillary Clinton. Former President Barrack Obama appears to be leading the Horsemen’s charge.
Author Ed Klein told Pete Hegseth on Fox and Friends Weekend in December that former President “Barack Obama is setting up a shadow government in Washington DC to undermine President Trump after Inauguration Day.”
Is this not sedition? entire article
A very gloomy view of what is to come:
Paul Craig Roberts writes “The effort of Americans to bring govt back under their control via Trump has been defeated by the deep state”Former National Security Agency (NSA) spy John Schindler tweeted on Twitter that a senior intelligence community colleague sent him an email stating that the deep state had declared nuclear war on Trump and that “He will die in jail.”
It is possible that this will be the case...
Those at work overturning the 2016 presidential election are so confident of their success that they publicly declare their preference for coup over democracy. The Zionist neoconservative warmonger Bill Kristol has expressed his preference for a deep state coup over democratically elected President Trump.
The effort of the American people to bring government back under their control via Trump has been defeated by the deep state.
Chris Hedges argument that revolution is the only way that Americans can reclaim their country continues to gain credibility.
The words that doomed Trump when he declared war before he had his army assembled:
“There is nothing the political establishment will not do, and no lie they will not tell, to hold on to their prestige and power at your expense. The Washington establishment, and the financial and media corporations that fund it, exists for only one reason: to protect and enrich itself. This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not We The People reclaim control over our government."
Truer words were never spoken entire article
Bryan Dean Wright pens I'm a Democrat (and ex-CIA) but the spies plotting against Trump are out of control.
Over the past few months, America has lurched from partisan warfare to the cliffs of an existential crisis.
Multiple reports show that my former colleagues in the intelligence community have decided that they must leak or withhold classified information due to unsettling connections between President Trump and the Russian Government.
Said an intelligence officer: “I know what's best for foreign policy and national security… And I'm going to act on that.”
Some of us might applaud this man, including a few of my fellow Democrats. In their minds, this is a case of Mr. Smith Goes to Langley to do battle against a corrupt President Trump.
One small problem. The intelligence officer quoted above was actually Aldrich Ames, a CIA traitor whose crime of treason in the 1980s and 1990s resulted in the compromise of more than 100 assets. Many were tortured and executed as a result.
Ames’ flawed logic is eerily similar to that of his present-day colleagues who are engaged in a shadow war with their commander in chief. They, too, have decided that their superior judgment is more important than following the law. continue
The public catching on is this nation's only hope:
Again, Daniel Greenfield: Why the Media’s Trump Lie Machine is Failing
Every five minutes the many mouths of the media broadcast, type, post and shriek that President Donald J. Trump is a liar. After months of this treatment, more voters find him truthful than them.
49% of voters believe that Trump and his people are telling the truth. Only 39% believe that the media is.
The media’s war on President Trump isn’t hurting him. It is destroying the media’s own credibility.
After Trump’s win, the media came to the conclusion that its biased attacks on him had been too subtle and understated to connect with the “dumb” voters. So it decided to be far more overt about its smears.
The New York Times, which used to be the best at disguising its biases in the omnipotent voice of professional journalism, called President Trump a liar in its headlines. The media cheered this descent into naked partisanship by the paper of record. But it didn’t hurt Trump. It hurt the Times.
Headlines blasting President Trump as a “liar” are easy enough to find on the Internet. The New York Times derives much of its influence from its appearance of serious professionalism. Calling Trump names made it hard to distinguish the New York Times from the Huffington Post. ...
Truth is not who you pretend to be. It’s who you are...
...The media wanted the authority to determining who was lying without the responsibility of telling the truth. As the media made its partisan bias more obvious, it lost the credibility it needed. The more the media called President Trump a liar, the more the public believed that the media was lying.
Patriots, be prepared. Events can go many different ways, all out civil war, a faux peace, or a leftist temporary retreat waiting for another opportunity. Much depends not only upon the Trump administration's ability to manage the chaos, but upon the citizens who support him as well.
Knowledge is power. The Realistic Observer is a non-partisan, non-profit blog dedicated to keeping our readers as informed as possible.
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