Gormless Leftists, LGBTs, And Women Teaming Up With Islamists In Anti-Trump Drive

Women donning American flag hijabs at the Women's March in Washington, D.C. protesting newly inaugurated President Donald Trump. (Photo: Video screenshot) The meme, "You Can't Fix Stupid" comes to mind when one sees groups that Islamists target for either oppression or death supporting the very ideology that persecutes/kills them. Much has been written regarding clueless leftist, gay rights and women's groups support of Islamism. Are all or some of these supporters just useful idiots, self haters, or underground elitists pushing for a totalitarian system which would ensure their control? Perhaps all of the above? In this post, I choose largely to bash duncish women, and I truly wonder if they are real women or paid actors. Do they actually believe that they deserve to be viciously raped, mutilated and chopped to pieces just because they are kafirs (non-Muslim). Sorry ladies, that is precisely what you are supporting when you team up with Islamists. Th...