Daily Bits...Check out your Reps:This Month York County,Pa 11/12/16
Representative Stanley Saylor 94th legislative district, Fall 2016
Monthly Bits: Check out your Rep: November 2016:
Monthly Bits: Check out your Rep: November 2016:
94th legislative District: State Representative Stan Saylor:

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Dear Friends:
District 94: We are located at 100 Redco Ave., Red Lion, PA 17356/ Phone 717 244 9232 Capitol: PO Box 202094 I Harrisburg, PA 17120 2094 I Phone 717 783 6426 Email ssaylor@pahousegop.com web site: RepSaylor.com
Helping students to defeat substance abuse:
The legislation I authorized to establish a four-year pilot recovery High School program for students in recovery from substance use disorder was recently signed into law. As an alternative to traditional public schools, recovery High Schools offer positive peer encouragement on the intervention support services, and academic curricula designed for students in early recovery.
A recovery high school helps young people who are in recovery from drug or alcohol abuse or addiction by allowing students to complete their academic course work in an environment that provides on-site recovery support services. We are losing countless young lives to prescription and illegal drug abuse.
There is an epidemic of heroin and prescription drug overdoses that must be stopped! This legislation is an initial step that will hopefully save lives.
The House Confronts Opioid Abuse Epidemic: For the past few years Pennsylvania has seen its ongoing and devastating opioid abuse epidemic get steadily worse with drug overdoses becoming the leading cause of death surpassing car accidents.
Just recently the governor announced that due to a law I helped enact last session----1,000 opioid related overdoses have been reversed---and more are being saved everyday. Also the House and Senate will be holding a special session this fall to continue our efforts to proactively and effectively address the opioid crisis gripping Pennsylvania. If you or a loved one is facing an opioid addiction or facing issues with other substances, please visit the Department of drug and Alcohol Program website at www.ddap.pa.gov.
PEARL LEONA STURGIS·Saturday, November 12, 2016
Monthly Bits: Check out your Reps: November 2016
Scott Perry 4th District Pennsylvania: 1207 Longworth House Office Building, Washington DC 20515 (202) 225 5836

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