by Robby Bowling
I guess with the advent of "Talking Head Television" & "Social Media" we've fallen deeper into the abyss of trying to "Talk, Talk , Talk Everything To Death" ....The only thing we've done is NUMBED our Feeble Minds ....We did the trenches deeper & deeper & we Scream to get our Message out....alas with NO REAL SUCCESS....
The Democrats AKA the Liberals AKA the
Communists & the Republicans (most are Democrats in Disguise) all get on
their high horse self-righteous Podiums & talk, talk, talk about VOTER FRAUD
& VOTER SUPPRESSION.....Both Phony, Faux ,Fake Political Parties play the
Blame Game & they both say the other wins by cheating....AKA Voter
Fraud....Let's be honest here, Both the Communists & the Republican have
Rigged the Voting Results....But the Democrats AKA the Communists have made an
"ART FORM" of it....But the TRUTH is that type of VOTER FRAUD only really works
in a close ELECTION.....Therefore in a National Election that's very close
Cities like L.A., Houston, NYC , Philadelphia , NYC & all the other LARGE
CITIES with large Urban Populations are where the Fraud takes
The Democrats AKA the Communists have a history
of using VOTER SUPPRESSION as a way to Blame losses & Sway Voters to Come on
out & Vote...And realistically with the results of "No Voter I.D. Laws" its
actually used as a Propaganda, Hate tool also....And again I believe as many
others do that's where most of the "Voter Fraud" takes Place....
Having said all that I want to look at "VOTER SUPPRESSION" from the Communist -Liberal View....FIRST they own the PROPAGANDA MACHINE, "The Media" & have for Decades...Therefore they control the Narrative, the Message, the By-Line, the Hook-Line & the Propaganda......As the Years passed the Percentage of Voter Participation in ELECTIONS has Dropped....People are quite frankly not involved, not interested , apathetic or they Fear that their VOTE NO-LONGER MATTERS...
Don't you ever ask the question as to why?
Basically what's happened in AMERICA is that it the PROPAGANDA that decides our
Fate, our Elections & our Future.....Some see the Propaganda as Truth , it
is not....It's simply a LIE Repeated enough times that creates the impression of
TRUTH...I think we've all had encounters with the "SLICK SALESMEN" types
throughout our lives....There is an ART-FORM to "Closing The Sale"....Never ask
a Question to the Prospective Buyer you don't already the Answer to....In other
world you ask LEADING Questions that elicit the Positive.....And just like a
Trial Lawyer , you say ; yes, yes, yes so many times you can't say
Today's version of Yellow Journalism is
Subliminal in Nature....They actually TELL you what to Think...They Lead you
ever-so-slowly into areas you'd never dwell into on your own....Its a Subtle
way to Tame , Train the Beast....It's Behavior Modification.....I think t was
Lincoln in a speech that used the line,"A house divided falls" ...And
realistically isn't that what the MEDIA is & has been doing(at the behest
of this Communist Government)?....
How many of you remember that less People VOTED (participation) in the ROMNEY versus OBAMA election than the one before with McCain & Obama...Why? Less enthusiasm....Or was it because the Media Reminded us everyday he was MORMAN & suggested it was just a Bastardized version of Christianity? ...He was also tagged as being a Rich Man, an Elitist & could Never understand the plight of the Poor Man or Working Man....The GOD FATHER of Washington DC, the Greatest HATER in the WORLD did countess interviews stating OBAMA was going to win anyway....
Isn't that what's happening today with these
RIGGED POLLS, STAGED DEBATES? Lets try to be HONEST here, HILLARY was Promised
this JOB as our "Prison Warden" EIGHT YEARS AGO when SOROS gave it to
OBAMA...She has 100% of the Media Behind her, she has all the BIG MONEY behind
her...Like Soros she BUYS influence....She Bought the FBI....the DOJ
This COMMUNIST Government Cannot afford to let
her LOSE....PERIOD....They have too much invested in her & her Master George
Soros....They TARGETED Three Potential Candidates , "TRUMP, CRUZ & CARSON"
they Spent TWO YEARS Digging up dirt on them ....She knew she had more on the
Non-Politician Amateur TRUMP..... They in fact helped FOSTER the Never-Trump
Movement....Planted stories about Trump & Cruz to create more Division....It
Worked....Essentially this Script we see being ACTED on the STAGE before us NOW
was written long ago...It's just been revised a bit ...
So when you hear the Hate & the
Fear-Mongering as well as the out & out Lies the only intent is to sell you
on the IDEA its too damn late....IT'S REALLY VOTER SUPPRESSION
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