Daily Bites of Articles of Confederation: #14 Committees of the Several States




·MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 2016

The Patriots Daily Bites of American History , Articles of Confederation Series #14

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Image result for Articles of Confederation

Articles of Confederation
Committees of the Several States:
 Article 10:

The Committee of the States or any nine of them shall be authorized to execute in the recess of congress such as the powers of congress in the United States in Congress assembled, by the consent of the nine States shall from time to time think it expedient to vest them with, provided that no powers be delegated to the said committee for the exercise of which by the Articles of Confederation the voice of nine States in the congress of the United States assembled be requisite.

 Article 11: Canada acceding (yielding) to the Confederation and adjoining in the measures of the United States shall be admitted into and entitled to all the advantages of the union but no other colony shall be admitted into the same unless such admission be agreed to by nine States. 

Article 12: Pledge of Debts: All bills of credit emitted, money borrowed, and debts contracted by, or under the authority of congress before the assembling of the United States in pursuance of the present Confederation shall be deemed and considered as a charge against the United States for payment and satisfaction whereof the said United States and the public faith are hereby solemnly pledged.

(to be continued)
  Sacred Observance of Union
To be Continued in the Next Daily Bites of History Series
In case You Missed our American History Series  On (American Revolution )
 The Great Awakening

In case You Missed our Constitution series or just want to Refresher ,we have the complete series below. 

There is Nothing Wrong with the Constitution it's the people we elected to uphold their oaths ,That are the Problems .

This my friends is where all our hopes and dreams ,Freedoms ,Liberties were formed some 240 years ago ,by a group of men with foresight to see way down the road for what is today. The Greatest Country in the World,And Still Is,as long as WE THE PEOPLE STAND UP FOR OUR FREEDOMS 

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