by Robby Bowling I don't know how many of you watched the Celebrated, Inebriated Urinated Bloviating Contest in Prime Time, IMO it was a Bust....No knock out punches but a lot of D.O.E. Punch Lines that actually went no where....In other words the Fake, Faux, Dog & Pony Shows only purpose (in the end) was serving their base .....In my View this is much like Premature Ejaculation, all Hyperbole, Talk , False Promises, Fake Drama & Stage Craft....No one got off, no one was Satisfied but Rest Assured BOTH SIDES will claim it was GOOD FOR THEM.....

As we continue to go Full Throttle into this "Fiasco" that's Predetermined  (IMO) what will change, anything?...Isn't this like a RIGGED HORSE RACE at the Local Track or a World Wrestling Match ? She hits him with a right, a left now a uppercut,He hits the Canvas, his nose is bleeding, he's up on his knees , he gathers himself, takes a breath, now he jumps to his feet, hits her with a WILD Right Cross, now she's down, the Referee starts a count, DING, DING, DING , "SAVED BY THE BELL" (Lester Holt)..........

This whole think was a FARCE, she already knew the Questions she'd be asked, she wore an ear piece & NBC which has GIVEN the CLINTON'S MILLION$ told "Lester Holt" the SOROS Puppet in no uncertain terms cover Hillary's Big Fat Ass .....Go after Trump....And as they say the rest is RIGGED HISTORY.....

As AMERICA goes into the Communist Tunnel at the "Speed Of Light" there is really next to nothing we can do to stop this EVOLUTION, unless we are willing to get our Hands Dirty & be willing to Shed Blood...I'm sorry I don't see that kind of Bravado, Courage & Sacrifice in a land full of FOOLS, who Believe in Nothing....

The Socialist Train we are on was started 100 years ago. It's now hit its stride & picking up speed....We forgot the Lessons from TWO WORLD WARS....We got Fat, Lazy & Apathetic while forgetting what life was actually about ....If you were a FISHERMAN bringing home your CATCH from the WILD & the Wolves, the Coyotes or Raccoons got a hold of your Catch & ate it all, what would you do ? Most of us would do THREE things, one go catch more Fish, the second thing we'd do is Watch out for the VARMINTS & Third , we'd have our Guns loaded & kill us some Wolves as they came into camp....

Once Upon a Time we Provided for Ourselves & our Families......Now it seems we have to PROVIDE for Others.....Many of those Today are just Trained Parasites ...They don't Work, they have no skills, they have no Dreams, they are LOSERS or USERS....And let me state this I have no Problem with Charity, helping hose who truly need the help is an Obligation....

There are MORE People EMPLOYED by Government, then there is in the Private Sector....The SIZE of Government is Growing...The Size of this Governments DEBT is about 20 TRILLION DOLLAR$.....The "New World Order Government" that employed OBAMA & Now HILLARY CLINTON will continue to Grow....The UGLY  BITCH says she wants to "Grow Jobs"...The Question is what kind of JOBS.....The ANSWER is; GOVERNMENT JOBS....At what point will we REALIZE we "CANNIBALIZED" ourselves? Or will we?.....This cannot continue....She also said she will TAX the WEALTHY , what Century? Never Happen...

AMERICA IS RUNNING ON EMPTY....All we hear is Empty Promises, Empty Hollow Dreams, Hearts that are EMPTY of true Compassion, EMPTY of Kindness & Apparently EMPTY of a soul that has the Capacity to Love....But it is full of Hate, Envy, Jealousy, Greed, Delusions & Narcissism....

The AMERICA I hear described by the Heartless bastards that Control our Lives, is nothing short of a LIVING HELL .....No Dreams, no Prayers, no Visions & no Hope....We gave up that right when we became Servants to what I see as our "Overlords" our Masters....We gave up our Freedom for FALSE FEARS.....Fears this government Created....We actually aren't allowed to have an OPINION, that's our own.... It has to be Government Sanctioned...We gave up our ability or desire to be Our Own Master when we Quit Thinking, Quit Working, Quit Dreaming...But we are still Sacrificing for those ho OWN US, for those who Hate US & those who will KILL US when they tire of us...... Time is short , the clock tics. But answer this question; DID WE WANT THE ECONOMY GROWING OR THE GOVERNMENT GROWING.... They are not the same...AMERICA IS RUNNING ON EMPTY & so am I ..

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