It takes courage to live this life, it takes imagination & courage to
live it to the fullest.....It requires nothing at all to be a PARASITE.....Your
Existence depends entirely on the Fruits & Labors of all the others....The
Criminal Class in this country, the Politicians, their Overlords AKA the
OLIGARCHY has created a CLASS of Parasite like the World has never seen.....The
Parasite Culture thinks erroneously that they have free will & can do as
they please ....They have been conned by the Greatest Thief of all Time.....They
are only FREE to do what they are told.....They possess absolutely no Rational
Thought Processes, there is NO deductive reasoning.....They are Taught
BEHAVIOR.....You know, kind of like Cockroaches that RUN to darkness when you
turn on the light....They are BRED & BORN for one purpose & one purpose
only ,to SERVE their MASTERS....
Those who control us have made a Game, a Mockery, a Joke or a Charade out
of What we used to call LIFE.....We all now LIVE in a FISH BOWL & we are
FREE to swim to the edge, but we will never be able to climb out.....They Feed
us Crumbs & They FEAST on our Flesh, our Slavery & our Lack of Knowledge
to SURVIVE on our own...
Before it's too late we should ace the REALITY that while we may have computers, cars & the Optics of a GOOD Life in reality we have nothing of VALUE left in this Country.....Through Brain-Washing & Behavior Modification we have created Heroes out of Villains & Villains out or Heroes....We have a world now so full of NARCISSISM that its beyond comprehension.....Just what is the END GAME or Result ? Where is this Going? I hate to tell you but it is NOT getting better.....The Solutions are Worse than the Problems....Shouldn't the First step to finding an ANSWER to be ,"Stop All Of This Madness," & "Stop All Of This Insanity?" It should be, but we won't!
Why do so many FEAR this Government ? Understand me now FEAR is not to be
Confused with RESPECT.....Might I remind you that those who we ALLOW to Control
us are MORTAL MEN....While in this day & time they DEMAND to be treated like
Royalty, they are NOT ONE DAMN bit better than anyone else.....Why do we Treat
these DEMONS like Gods, like Saviors , Savants, Truth Tellers or like Messiahs
? They are FRAUDS....100% FRAUDS....Their only Talent is in CHICANERY &
THEFT....WELL, lets add one more selling FEAR....
I am not sure if there is ONE Good Man or Woman in Washington...I trust NONE of them & I mean NONE of them.....Some may very well be better than others, but IMO that like describing the Stage of a Cancer or Burn.... And yes there are times when we have no other choice than to pick the "Lesser of Two Evils" that doesn't mean we have to like it...If we did our DUE Diligence, our Home Work, Studied, Observed, Listened without Prejudice w just might not be facing the DEATH of AMERICA.....I am sorry to tell you this but AMERICA after OBAMA & HILLARY will not be fit to live in....I'd rather be dead.....Do you really want THIRD WORLD MUSLIMS & PARASITES telling you how to live, that is at the behest of their MASTERS....And I'm sorry to say While I consider myself to be a Christian, it sickens me to see the CHURCH sell out for MONEY....I have no use for the Joel Osteen types of CONS....The Charade continues does it not, but what is it that's hiding in the Shadows, Behind the Doors or for that matter our Hearts?.....
I don't have Life's Answers & I only have my
observations.....Washington or government in general has & offers no
Solutions, they took advantage of an IGNORANT Society & made them ALL PRISONERS of
their Criminal Enterprise...We don't ask questions,we are lazy, we are
calloused, we are narcissistic, we now hate, belittle, we are petty, HELL we
Apparently can't get over ourselves.....We replicated the Bad Behavior of our
FALSE GODS,FALSE MESSIAHS THE RULING CLASS OF IDIOTS ,this Miserable life is not worth living anymore.....If this is AMERICA I want NO part of it...
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