Perhaps its time to root out all of the ANTI-American rhetoric & people .....Take all races or nationalities out of the picture....And be inclusive as far as religions go...The fundamental moral values of Kindness, Love, Family, Knowledge & Work Ethic are similar in Most Religions like Christianity, Hebrew, Buddhism,Hindu ..I'll NOT include ISLAM....I'm sorry actions speak louder than words... The way I see it Muslim leaders run a close Second to our Government as it come to "Showing the Love, Peace & Harmony".....Talks cheap ....The way I see it Our Government & Muslims are just excrement that have CONTAMINATED (TOXIC) Life's River...

Every Hard Working, Family Loving, Moral, Knowledgeable & Fun Loving MAN , WOMAN & CHILD should be OFFENDED at what this CULTURE has evolved into.....God did NOT intend for this WORLD to be one Big WELFARE STATE .....Charity is a Gift from the matters not whether it's my gift to you or your gift to long as it comes from the HEART.....

This Government wants you to believe that WELFARE is CHARITY is NOT that, nor will it ever be.....Welfare from this government can be, but it rarely is anymore a LIFELINE to help you get over & through HARD TIMES...However the TRUE intent is far more NEFARIOUS... It's a con, a bribe, its extortion but it is NOT a GIFT....It s a way to Control you....Government Healthcare is the same is not, nor was it ever about Value, Quality & again is about CONTROL.....nothing else matters....They do not care about Humanity, Quality, Kindness or comes down to the BOTTOM LINE....the Bottom Line is COST, CONTROL & what THEY get out of it....

We have once again like every Civilization before us been sold the CON that Socialism is Wonderful, that its as close to UTOPIA or Heaven as we can get on this "Physical & Material Plane....Well that's pure unadulterated HORSE EXCREMENT.....I don't take ISSUE with the IDEA of Community & a share the Wealth Idea....but IMO the only TRUE Wealth that is in FACT worth SHARING is TRUTH, KNOWLEDGE & RESPECT....Otherwise we LOSE all that make a life Unique .....By that I mean our TALENTS......Being the BEST you can be is about YOUR TALENTS....Your Desires, Your Passions (not lusts) and your Needs or Drive to be the Better man, woman or child...

We are not CREATED EQUAL......but we are all still nonetheless UNIQUE.....We all have our place & we Should be allowed , nurtured or encouraged to FIND out who we really are.....Some of us are Teachers passing on our legacy of Truth, some are Builders....building families, villages, homes...Some are Farmers that have the Gift of Nature inside them, Some still are Great Sailors & Fishermen, Some are gifted with Imagination....They often become our Musicians, our Painters, our Writers, our Actors, our seekers that become scientists, engineers....

Without our unique personalities , talents, individualism & Curiosity this word would have NEVER known people like Bach, Mozart, Beethoven,Emerson, Yeats, Hemingway, Shakespeare, Galileo, Newton, Da VINCI, Einstein , Jefferson, Washington, Mark Twain, Edgar Allen Poe, CS Lewis.,Rembrandt, Michelangelo,Van Gogh, Buddha, Jesus, your Mother, your Father your Children or your Legacy....

This retched evil Government would have you believe without them this World would have NEVER EVER Seen or Known any of these people....Governments claim this is ONLY their Gift to one else can do have no FREE WILL....without them ....Let me say this....this WORLD is a Gift of GOD....Government ..any of them has nothing to do with it whatsoever....These Men, these Women, these Talents, These People all of them became who they were DESPITE of Governments Interference & intrusion into their lives....GOVERNMENT is not, nor will it ever be the the GOD they claim to SATAN or Satanic that's entirely possible....

This GOVERNMENT does not Represent the PEOPLE...Quit living in the past .....The Only thing they care about is keep their power they have DUMBED Down this country people to the point people have little to know understanding of how to SOLVE simple Life Problems....This Government is the Father & the Mother of all our HATE.....The REAL WAR that's being fought in today's WORLD is for the CONTROL over the HEART & SOUL of a man or woman....

One of the TRUE Treasures of life is the GIFT of Giving, be that love or kindness.....THEFT is not Giving.....Government TAKES & is not theirs to is yours, mine & Gods to give....IMO there is LITTLE to NOTHING worth Salvaging in WASHINGTON DC......I will use an old METAPHOR here; "We Shoot Horses Don't We?"....Take from that what you wish ...Washington is beyond repair...The cancer is everywhere.

.AMERICA & AMERICAN LIVES MATTER ? Not to this government....

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