One Message for the Americans, One Message for the Muslims

President Obama with Muslim Brotherhood Leader Mohamed Magid whose organization (ISNA) funds Hamas, a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization
The key to victory is to know your enemy.
Many are aware of the various forms of deceit used against non-Muslims by Jihadists to disguise their true intent.
The two following posts dovetail nicely in providing a great deal of insight as to exactly what the non Muslim world is up against.

Understanding the Threat, by John Guandolo, May 1, 2016:

How is it that nearly fifteen (15) years after 9/11 none (ie ZERO) of the Islamic advisors to the United States government have shared with our leaders the Quranic concept of abrogation, the definition of “jihad” in sharia (Islamic Law), or the fact sharia obliges jihad until the entire world is under sharia?

It is because sharia obliges Muslims to lie to non-Muslims when the goal is obligatory (eg Jihad), and makes it a capital crime for Muslims to teach other Muslims anything about Islam which is not a part of authoritative Islam.

This means if American leadership wants to know the enemy and understand the threat, they need to stop listening to suit-wearing jihadis and read what Muslims teach when they are teaching other Muslims.

Al Qaeda Leader Anwar al Awlaki (killed by U.S. in 2011) speaking at the U.S. Capitol
Al Qaeda Leader Anwar al Awlaki (killed by U.S. in 2011) speaking at the U.S. Capitol

Muslims are Obliged to Lie to Non-Muslims
Um Dat al Salik, Islamic Sacred Law, r8.0-r8.1, Lying/Permissible Lying:  “Speaking is a means to achieve objectives…it is permissible to lie if attaining the goal is permissible…and obligatory to lie if the goal is obligatory.”
Jihad is obligatory.


It is a Capital Crime in Islam for Muslims to Teach Muslims Anything False About Islam

The following are acts which constitute “leaving Islam” (Apostasy):  “to deny any verse of the Koran or anything by which scholarly consensus belongs to it, or to add a verse that does not belong to it…to deny the obligatory character of something which by a consensus of Muslims is a part of Islam…to be sarcastic about any ruling in Sacred Law; or to deny that Allah intended the Prophet’s message to be the religion followed by the entire world.”  [Um dat al Salik, Islamic Sacred Law, o8.7, Apostasy]

“When a person who has reached puberty and is sane voluntarily apostatizes from Islam, he deserves to be killed.”  [Um dat al Salik, Islamic Sacred Law, 08.1]

Former FBI Director Robert Mueller III presenting an award at FBI Headquarters to Muslim Brotherhood Sharia scholar Imam Yahya Hendi (Fiqh Council of North America)

Former FBI Director Robert Mueller III presenting an award at FBI Headquarters to Muslim Brotherhood Sharia scholar Imam Yahya Hendi (Fiqh Council of North America)
“Someone raised among Muslims who denies the obligatoriness of the prayer, zakat, fasting Ramadan, the pilgrimage, or the unlawfulness of wine and adultery, or denies something else upon which there is scholarly consensus and which is necessarily known as being of the religion thereby becomes an unbeliever and is executed for his unbelief.”  [Um dat al Salik, Islamic Sacred Law, f1.3]

Former DHS Secretary swears in Muslim Brother Mohamed Elibiary to the Homeland Security Advisory Committee and granted him a secret clearance

Former DHS Secretary swears in Muslim Brother Mohamed Elibiary to the Homeland Security Advisory Committee and granted him a secret clearance

When the leaders of Hamas in the U.S. (doing business as the Council on American Islamic Relations – CAIR) were recorded by the FBI during their national meeting in Philadelphia in October 1993, CAIR founder Omar Ahmad stated:  “We will recognize the source of any message which comes out of us…you send two messages; one to the Americans and one to the Muslims.”

They have been doing it ever since, and our leaders appear just dumb enough and criminally negligent enough to believe them, continue acting on them, and putting Americans in greater and greater danger.
Lesson learned:  Stop listening to what Muslims tell us Islam says, and start reading the books they use to teach each other.

Source:   The Counter Jihad Report

Recommended reading:  Reliance of the Traveller /Um dat al Salik (click link to pdf); What Islam is All About (Emerick 2010) – 7th grade text book for Muslims in Islamic schools; Tafsir Ibn Kathir (legally defines every verse in the Koran – especially Volume 4 regarding Suras 8 and 9).

Knowing Four Arabic Words May Save Our Civilization from Islamic Takeover 

by Louis Palme:

In 539 BC, King Belshazzar of Babylon saw a dismembered hand-written four prophetic words on the wall. This "handwriting on the wall" was finally interpreted by the prophet Daniel as predicting the fall of the kingdom. He was right. Babylon fell to the Medes-Persians that very night.

Like the “handwriting on the wall” that Prophet Daniel had interpreted, there are four Arabic words, which could lead to submission of the entire world to Islam, if non-Muslims do not fully understand their meaning and implications. Those words are takiyya, tawriya, kitman, and muruna.

Rembrandt, Belshazzar’s Feast (1635),
National Gallery, London

Each of these words describes a different style of deception used by Muslims when discussing Islam or their activities as Muslims. Muhammad famously said, “War is deceit.” (Bukhari, Vol. 4, Book 52, Number 268) The Quran boasts that Allah is the “master of all scheming” (Surah 13:42) and that he is “profound in his machinations” (Surah 8:30). Western civilizations are not accustomed to dealing with people, who have developed deception into an art form. Knowledge is power, and the best way to combat the Islamist agenda is to say, “We are wise to your shenanigans. Knock it off!”

For an extnsive discussion of takiyya, tawriya, kitman, and muruna, go here.

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