Where else but in America would you find:
by Robby Bowling The most Advance Criminal Class this world has ever seen running the country....
An education system so wonderful & inclusive they have to GIVE Passing Grades to the Stupid
More people on unemployment than Working
A welfare system with more parasites on it , than any other country 
A welfare system with Illegals & Muslims getting free EVERYTHING...Housing, Food , Healthcare
MUSLIMS with more religious liberty than Christians 
NON-Citizens able to VOTE....
PRISONS where the Criminal Class has the SAME RITES as those who think they are Free
A Citizenry, who ALLOWS the Government to bring in with open arms....those who will destroy us...
A Citizenry, who've never heard nor recognize the truth ...EVER!...
A Citizenry, who believe the ILLUSION of freedom is real, yet deny the misery...
A Citizenry, to dumb or afraid to ask questions
Cities is Ruin, full of squalor & filth....
Actually I could go on & on but why bother, no one cares anymore....The Parasites out number the Hosts,....it's just a matter of time before the Stench of Death arrives....
You know it actually seems Fitting that the MUSLIM PRINCESS BARRY was in CUBA giving head to the CASTRO'S.....Because if you REALLY want to See what the NEW WORLD ORDER'S Vision of America will look like....look no further than CUBA....but you can also see it in Bolivia, Brazil, Kenya, Pakistan, Syria, Iraq....Where those who control you have Absolute Power over EVERYTHING you do, you think & you dream....Shouldn't we face the reality (before it's too late) they OWN our ass....
Sadly the old song line, "FREEDOMS JUST ANOTHER WORD" seems to sum up this world....You can't miss what you've never had...so if you've never known what true Freedoms were, like to choose or not, to speak or not, to dare to dream or not...well you have NOTHING....This is being reduced to a Meaningless Existence where our only purpose is to be subservient to our MASTERS....I call that PRISON, I also call it HELL...Personally I'd rather be dead...because that is not living....When your only function is being a PARASITE...What's the use ????  I WASN'T BORN TO FOLLOW EVIL...

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