Daily Bites of the Constitution 17
By Pearl Leona Sturgis

Post # 17 Send a tea bag to your representative. How hard is that?

Daily Bites of the Constitution of the United States
Reads From the Constitution in the Department of State's:
We the People of the United States in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity do ordain and establish this Constitution of the United States of America. Article 1 legislative department: Section 1” Congress legislative powers vested: All legislative powers herein granted (by the people) shall be vested in a congress of the United States which shall consist of a senate and a house of representatives (for the people)
The Rebirth of a Nation- The ratification of the Constitution
Full text of the Constitution of the United States Audiobook. This free Constitution of the United States Audiobook produced by http://www.librivox.org, and all Librivox audiobook recordings are free, in the public domain.

The Constitution of the United States: A Transcription
United States Constitution Article
Article 7: Ratification of the Constitution:
Article 7: Ratification of the Constitution:
The ratification of the Constitution of nine states shall be sufficient for the establishment for this Constitution between the states so ratifying the same. Done in convention by unanimous consent of the states present the seventeenth day of September in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven (1787) and of the Independence of the United States of America the twelfth in witness whereof we have here unto subscribed our names. George Washington, President and deputy from Virginia. Signed also by 38 delegates from 12 states. (End of Articles 1 through 7)
next will start Bill of Rights Amendment 1-10. What's on my mind was Amendment 7 but Article 7 is the last of these Articles from Halleck's History c 1926 and amendments are listed up to 19 but 1 thru 10 is called the Bill of Rights inalienable (unchanging)
This book was taught across the nation in the 50s. It is published by American Book company. After amendment 19 I will have to look in Collier's encyclopedia. I'll cross the bridge when I get there.
Comments From A Friends :
To be Continued in the Next Daily Bites
duplicate...!!!!!!!!!!!!From World Illustrated Encyclopedia c1954 page 1394-97
The Constitution in any country is its Supreme Law. In the United States the Constitution is the basis of the national government No act of the government, no law passed by congress, and no law in any state, city or town can conflict with the Constitution of the United States. Experts consider the Constitution one of the most remarkable documents in all history.
It was written well over 150 years ago (this book is from 1954; today is January 2016; now written well over 225 years ago.) It will work as well today as it did in 1787. The Constitution was written at a Constitutional Convention that met in Philadelphia in May of 1787. The American States had just won their independence from England. They had been working under a loose agreement called the Articles of Confederation in which every state was treated as an individual country. The convention met to change the Articles of Federation but soon they decided to start over and create a United Federal Government.
The background of the Constitution was a compromise between two different ideas. One of the different ideas was the Virginia Plan. The men in favor of the Virginia Plan were from the larger states. They wanted the larger states to have more power in congress. The opposing idea was the New Jersey Plan. The men in favor of this plan wanted each state. whether large or small to have the same amount of power. For many weeks the Constitutional Convention tried to decide how to satisfy everyone. At last a compromise settlement was proposed by William Samuel Johnson of Connecticut.
This settlement called the Connecticut Compromise was used. The Connecticut Compromise set up congress as it is today (1954) There would be two houses in congress, the House of Representatives and the House of the Senate. The number of members in the House of Representatives would depend on the number of people in each state. The Senate would have only two members from each state. The bill (plan for law) must be approved by both houses. If a small state like Rhode Island did not like a bill it could still fight against it in the senate and the small state would have just much power as the large state. Before the Constitution could be used nine of the original states had to ratify (agree to) it.
Many small farmers and people in the poorer classes did not like it. Virginia and New York did not like it but finally agreed to it when the Bill of Rights were added.
The Bill of Rights are actually the first ten Amendments to the Constitution.:
Comments From A Friends :
From Michael Hutton's comment
; I don't believe any President can 'save' America. Only the American People can do that and only when we/they begin to really understand what America must be. Liberty and Justice are not established nor secured by Presidents. They are secured by the goodness of a Freedom loving people that are moral and ethical in their dealings. This is the only way there is legitimacy in business or in government.. not through regulation. So what can a President or a Congress do about that? Nothing and their efforts to do anything only result in more abusive and ineffective control through regulation. America will become great again and our government will be legitimate again when the American people understand that we are the reason it is not. And the fanaticism over political candidates is a reflection of this generation's obsession with reality TV and the fantasy that a savior is going to right America
William Randolph This idea that our rights come from God is extremely important since it means that they can't be removed by government. The idea of this predates the Constitution by 600 years. It is one of the most important ideas of the Magna Carta. This document is specific to the times and King John but it is in Latin and written by the clergy. This idea that rights are bestowed by God is unique and very important. This is one reason why one of the 5 originals of the Magna Carta is in our National Archives.
William Randolph This idea that our rights come from God is extremely important since it means that they can't be removed by government. The idea of this predates the Constitution by 600 years. It is one of the most important ideas of the Magna Carta. This document is specific to the times and King John but it is in Latin and written by the clergy. This idea that rights are bestowed by God is unique and very important. This is one reason why one of the 5 originals of the Magna Carta is in our National Archives.
The Rebirth of a Nation- The ratification of the Constitution
Full text of the Constitution of the United States Audiobook. This free Constitution of the United States Audiobook produced by http://www.librivox.org, and all Librivox audiobook recordings are free, in the public domain.
The Importance of a Moral Society
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
Thomas Paine
published anonymously on Jan. 10, 1776

The Constitution of the United States: A Transcription
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