We apparently live in a Very Judgmental & Yes indeed, a world with
Prejudices & Biases! If we are HONEST (that's an impossible Thought) we'd
admit we all Have Them & TRY to work our way Through them...But SADLY in
this Age of Enabling Everyone & Political Correctness, the Bigger the
Cry-Baby, Whiner & All Around Bitch the more likely you are to WIN the
Battle of "Infantile Temper Tantrums, that is if you are a LIBERAL....But "In My
Opinion" doesn't it come down to WHO the "Judge & Jury Is?"...Sometimes it
come down to a Conclusion like one Mark Train used: "If You Tell The Truth You
Don't Have To Remember Anything!" Conversely if you Tell a Lie or Live in a
"False Reality" then you have to "Keep Lying , Fabricating & Making Excuses
for your Miserable Pathetic Self!"
I won't argue the Point that some People are Bullied & some need
Protections...I know that Men & now Women (we can I think Still CALL them
That) have Indeed taken Advantage of those that they Control, be that Work or
even Social Settings...Those that Have that KIND of Power will use it to EXTORT
"Sexual Favors on the Other Sex, Same Sex, Those with Both Fake Sexes &
Children who haven't a CLUE what is Going On....It's also one part Slavery or Servitude...And there are a FEW People who
are WEAK & have Never been Taught how to Defend For Themselves...But for the
Most Part People CAN learn to Fend For themselves....That requires a Teacher, A
Peer, a Friend, a Parent & Convection or Determination....
But to me, what I see is Both a "Over Reaction & Over Reach" not by the
Just Some Of The Victims but by the Enabler's....And in todays World being the
CYNIC that I am, I Question the WHYS! I know there are Still a FEW Good Souls
out there but what is See today is PEOPLE that Have Made an Occupation out of
either "Being a Victim or Protecting: Them...And no they All aren't just
Lawyers....Remember the old Warren Zevon Song; "Lawyers, Guns & Money" well
he nailed it....In the Last 100 Years the "Parasite" has gone through some
"Evolutionary Changes" It Looks like it Walks on Two Legs, but it Still Slithers
& Slimes it's way Everywhere...Who Would have Thought a Professional Class
of Maggots, Leaches & Rabid Worms" would Live in today's Worlds, but One
Good Look at CONGRESS & I'll Rest My Case!
My Biggest Problem with all this is the "Arbitrary Nature" it...There is NO
"Consistency" in these Judgmental thoughts....Think about it The Cancer Walking
Specimens we call Politicians (Especially Liberals) are known to (Drum Roll)
"SHOP JUDGES" & they do it every day....Lets just call it what it is,it's an
"INSIDE JOB" it's a Way to RIG the Process & Game...They KNOW Exactly how
the Judge is Going to Rule on the Case.....Sorry, but it is Almost all PHONY as
Hell!....I do still have Some (very Limited) Respect for the "Supreme Court "
but I still would not "Bet The Ranch On Them...What's that old line:"Money Talks
& Bull Shit Walks" ..I'll leave it there!
There is an old Einstein Quote that come to mind: "You can't Expect
different Results, by doing the Same Thing over & over again".....There is
another thought that come to mind here also in Question form; "Are we Playing a
Losing Game?" Isn't it TIME we addressed that one? Where are we Going &
where are the REAL LEADERS....IMO the real Leaders START LOCALLY ....Shouldn't
we be going to the Source of the Problem? When was the Last Time your
Congressman or an Aid "HONESTLY" asked your Thoughts & Opinions about where
this Country is Headed?
Everyone in this World has an OPINION & there are no
Exceptions.....Speaking for Myself my Opinions comes as a result of 'All that
Went Before Me" or what I was Taught, the Mistakes I made & therefore the
Lessons I Learned....Most of us went through the same Process....We interact
with People, we Talk, we Work with or Around! In Theory we are Extensions of
Each Other, having said that that's not so true anymore....I am who I am
because of My Travels, My Knowledge, What I was Taught & how I Applied those
Lessons....That is NO-LONGER True!!!! The Youth of today are PRODUCTS of their
Educators (I use that Term Loosely) & the Media...Communism Sought "Refuge"
in the Universities after WWII & now DECADES Later you'd have to state it
has "Flourished & Thrived" Communism in now in Every School In America, they
don't even hide it anymore...They have Been Turning out Little Socialists for
Decades & they are Everywhere....The Southern Poverty Center & the ACLU
both have Deep Roots with the AMERICAN Version of the Communist Party...
My main point here comes in or with TWO Thoughts! One being the Children
were Taught to be Victims! They were not Taught to be Independent in any shape,
form or fashion ....Victimization is now their Calling & Profession ...They
& their Controllers will USE Anything they can to Play the VICTOM CARD...So
Hate Speech is but One....But the Sad Truth is that This is a Direct Result the
"Self Serving Parasites or Puppets & their Masters....This was Just One of
the Ploys or Methods that Marx & Later Aliniski used...There is actually
nothing New about it, except the Players both in Front & Behind the Curtain
Lets use another old line here, "One Man's Ceiling Is Another Man's Floor!"
Hate Speech, that is the Definition of it is,"Arbitrary."It's in the Eyes of the
Beholder! Because of MASS MEDIA everything gets Played, Spun & Interpreted
to Fit the Narritive....It's my opinion if you Left the Sheep to their Own
Devices, they'd either Sink or Swim on their own...But they have been Trained
& Enabled by those who Wish to CONTROL THE WHOLE WORLD...The Oligarchs ...By
& Large People today have been taught to be TOYS or PETS for the
Rich....That may sound COLD but its TRUE...There is Little Meaning Left in this
World, there is Little Good Left in this World...But there are Thousands of
PRETENDERS & only a Few That Control them !
Equality does not mean we are all Free to be Offended, Stupid & a
Fool...There are Players & there are also the Played...The part that Bothers
me the MOST is that this is Just A Game the Elite's & the Oligarchs are
Playing to FINISH America Off....I know I am not the Only one that Sees this,
yet we seem Unable to FOCUS on the Real Enemy or Enemies...The Shadow
Government, the Oligarchs, The Governments & the Media are essentially "One
& The Same" or Extensions of one another... Never Before has this Life
looked so BLEAK....And no it is not a matter of Attitude...We need to Focus on
the ENEMY & Disassemble it One Wheel, One Arm & One Mind at a
SO WHAT IS HATE SPEECH, who are the Deciders, the Judges & the Juries?
.And So Begins the Task
I have dreaded the coming of
For so long
I wait for the sum
To remind my body
It needs resting (Steven Stills)
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