Have you ever woke up from a Deep Sleep or Dream & felt totally disoriented, confused & bewildered about what's going on around you....You wonder maybe Where you are & What your Doing There...This is this THOUGHT though, do you Question your State of Mind or do you Question the World that Surrounds you? I've come to the Conclusion this World is being Run by Fruitcakes, Fairies, Sadists , Perverts & Sociopaths...And the Odds of Surviving & Escaping from these MADMEN are Lessening by the Moment....And NO Death does not count as Escape! I believe it was in a HUXLEY Book where the idea of "The Doors Of Perception" was mentioned...That's implying "What You See" is NOT Necessarily "What You'll Get!" Perhaps its like a "Magicians Bag Of Tricks"...The Hand Is Quicker Than The Eye...Well that being Said is it the EYE or is it the MIND that's been Fooled or Tricked?

We have apparently entered the Realm or is it Room where the Fruitcake Factories "Fantasy Island" is now the Perpetual High for the LIBERAL-OID Sub-Species...Hell are they doing "Frontal Lobotomies" at Birth or is it now a Drug & Behavior Modification Feature that you CAN'T Opt Out Of.?   I Grew Up in 60's & played in R & R do you remember the old "KINKS" song:""LOLA?" It inferred the Boys want to be Girls & Girls want to be Boys thing...Now here we are Several Decades Later & its become the TREND....Only now it's not about "Drag Queens" Or Butch Dikes" you can now be BOTH....I mean , what kind of Mental Illness is it that says "Tits & a Penis" go together on the same "Human Form?" Now Don't Misunderstand me now I do Believe "Mental Illness" is a Very Real Problem  in AMERICA, but it's Being Taught, Encouraged & Enabled by the Insanity that's become "Ever present" everywhere we see!!! "Pardonez Moi" I don't see this as being Much Different that the "Gun Violence" we now see every damn day...except it's Scripted....

So here we are now being Forced into becoming an "Enabling Society" but we are BEING TOLD or FORCED who to Enable....Muslims come to mind here too! It seems becoming the VICTIM is now a "Full Time Occupation" & Needless to say there are now "Professional Enabler's" now as well...Do the Names; Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson , Obama, Louis Farrakhan or Social Media Parasites like Zuckerberg ring a bell....And of Course there is George Soros, but there is an END GAME to his MADNESS...He plans on being GOD..


Today I saw that the University of Texas now considers Masculinity a ":Mental Illness" --well that's really not that Surprising when you consider the "Feminist Movements" much less now the Gay, Lesbian & Transsexual TRENDS...And while many of you might say that all of this is about "Prejudices" I will argue that for the MOST PART is is NOT about that....The PEOPLE that Hide Behind the Curtain, "The Shadow Government" or the "Oligarchy" Know that its the "Dominant Gene" is the one that FIGHTS & Will RESIST....And lets throw in the FACT that DRUGS (Legal & Illegal) are being used to "Sedate" & help Brainwash & Modify all our Behaviors to the Point Everyone is a WILLING SLAVE....

You know it should Go Without Saying, that if the Oligarchs succeed in doing this then "WHO" will be left to Resist the "New World Order" or "One World Government" they've Dreamed of for Centuries.....For those who Don't Know History let me remind you HITLER had a Deal, a Pact with the MUSLIMS....He Loved the Muslims...He Knew they were Ruthless & would Kill or Screw anything! Luckily for us Hitler lost the War, but his VISION is now being Carried & Fulfilled by the Rothschild Family including George Soros! ....The Muslims will be the Enforcers, the Police in the NWO....It is that Simple...If most of What was once called the MALE Species is Gay or Equipped with a Penis & Tits there will be no Resistance Left to Fight

So shouldn't we be honest in the Assessment of what's going on here....The Insanity, the Mental Illness is now #1 willful,#2 it was by Intent & #3 its being Forced upon us to the Point we MUST Accept this INSANITY as NORMAL BEHAVIOR......A George Orwell Quote goes like this: "The Best Way To Lose A War Is To Surrender" so if you are NOT Equipped to FIGHT a Battle Mentally or Physically what do you do, you Surrender,,,,Bad News is They are Going to KILL Us anyway when the Game, The Fun  is over....Today's World, Today's America is all about "Manipulation" The Doors Of Perception have been altered. The only thing Real is the Misery they use to Control, Extort or Bribe you with...There is a Balance they achieved between Pain & Fear....It's really no different than being WATER  BOARDED....Its Subliminal & it's Conscience thought both

What we are left with is not "A Failure To Communicate" its a Failure for us to even Recognize our Basic Primal Instincts that being first & foremost "Self Preservation!"  We Failed ourselves, period...Apathy is a result from being Pampered & a well Taught to TRUST People that you Actually should NEVER Open The Damn Door For...They are INSANE & so are we apparently for Allowing this


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