We seem to be living in a World where there seems to be a "Endless Stream" of Manchurian Idiots that are fresh out of "Behavior Modification School!" How odd it seems while these "Pathogens" cant read  , write or let alone THINK for themselves they can Talk Incoherently, Bark like a Dog & Barf  or Spew Hatred as good any "Trained Monkey, Lab Rat or Pet Skunk (with spray glands still intact)...There is a Endless Churn to Burn but to never learn or discern anything other than "Bad Behavior from these Mindless Pet Opium laced Sexless Delusional Candidates of the Insane with No-Brain Asylum ....

These Two-Trick Ponies only have to do a few things to EARN their Rewards of "Perverted Sex & Drug or Booze" #! & most important VOTE Liberal Communist Democrat & Create all the Chaos, Anarchy & Hate they can on CUE!....It seems they all have a "Rectal Device Implant" for the Physical Cues....That Computer chip is being controlled somewhere on the George Soros Compound in Upstate New York...

The Question I have is that after "All This Is Said & Done"--America destroyed...Christianity Slaughtered...The Fictions Global Warming Controlled...The Population Getting Smaller...What will the Oligarchs like Soros, the Rothschild's, Rockefeller's, all the members of the "Bilderberg Group" do? Will they keep enough of the Mindless Idiots for Servants, for Slaves, for Pleasure....I mean what is the Next Step?...Ruins Everywhere, the Stench  of Death still in the Air....As an old Musician I think of the old "Blind Lemon Jefferson Song" that asks & Says ""SEE THAT MY GRAVE IS KEPT CLEAN" Well we know that one "Ain't Happening"....Didn't "Alexander The Great"  Or was it "Napoleon" have thoughts about this...When you've Conquered & Destroyed everything ,what's left....

If you Build Houses you want to build another! If you Write Music you want to Compose a new Song, Sonata or Opera!If you are a Leader you Still want to Lead///But if you are a "Destroyer" & there's nothing left, what's next....There are People who "Get Mad" & there are "Mad People" the latter are SICK, they are Mentally Ill & sadly they are the one's who have RUINED This World for All Of Us....They Wanted IT ALL for themselves & Sharing was NOT an option....

It's one thing to want to Win every Game & most of us realize that is an Impossibility, but to a Sociopath, an Addict they WANT to WIN at Any Cost...The Ends Justify The Means...Ignorance & Apathy as well a Willing Ignorance or Denial helped put us in this Fix or Dilemma...Some got Fat & Lazy, while others became more Ignorant with every generation ...Necessity was once the Mother of Invention....Well it Doesn't WORK when you wait till it's too damn late...I find it TELLING that most people on today's World aren't even Curious...They Don't or Can't ASK Questions!....I'm sorry I find that Bazaar...Have they or we lost the "Instinct To Survive?"...Don't the Animals run from the Mountains when they feel the FIRST Rumblings of an Earthquake....Apparently the Evolved Sub-Human Species doesn't....They're to busy arguing What SEX they are or want to be to Run... I don't see the need to get into the Religion, Race Baiting Bull ...It runs the same way.... And by the way, that's a "Dead End Street!"

If your Good with your Knowledge of History, ALL Nations & Civilizations have their "Rise & Fall" there are no exceptions...Now don't get me wrong, no one said it had to "Be This Way" or shall we say "FATE" but you CAN'T Learn what you haven't been Taught...And That's IF we Learn then???....You can't Miss what you've NEVER Known....Well "MISSING IN ACTION" on that list is "Truth, Wisdom, Love, Kindness, Manners, Civility, Respect,Willingness, Resolve, Reason, Pride, Honesty, Humbleness &  a healthy balance of Desire & Peace....In what's left of AMERICA there is almost none of that left/....Families have been replaced by the State & Schools, Parenting suffered the same Fate....And if you Read ORWELLS Books he feared the Mind Control that the Media could Use Against Us! And It Has!

If you are familiar with "Brave New World" by A, Huxley his concern was with Corrupt Power that controlled the Masses via 'Behavior Modification" starting with Schools....The Truth is that Both Orwell & Huxley were correct....And yes it is that bad..."Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely" says it all....It has Happened right before our eyes & for the most part, we didn't do a damn thing to stop it ....While we were to busy paying off our DEBTS we lost the WAR

As a Baby Boomer Truman was President when I was born...then came Eisenhower...Then there was Kennedy & his Assassination....Do I need to go into what a POS LBJ was? Nixon was an Alcoholic,Ford, the Idiot Carter, REAGAN (my Favorite) Bush (Papa) a NWO Puppet, Clinton full of Cocaine & Parties, Bush Jr...another Puppet & Idiot, OBAMA a Muslim & Communist to Trump.....Like Trump or not He is the ONLY Outsider other than Carter to get elected....But in TRUMPS Case the Election was supposed to be RIGGED for the Bitch HILLARY....

Hillary & Obama were BOTH Owned by George Soros...That is also the Same Evil Bastard that is Causing & Funding all the Chaos, Anarchy we see every day....He is also the MONEY MAN for the Communist NWO Party...who want & Plant to RULE this World until it's DEAD....What will be part of our "THE LAST WILL & TESTAMENT?" Cause of Death, was it Ignorance, Stupidity or Suicide? We we aren't going to die of old age....Orwell also said this:"The Best Way To Lose A War Is To Surrender"isn't that what we've done? 


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