I grew up in the ERA before Television Polluted, Diluted & Confused the mind...We still READ Books & gathered around the Fireplace, the Kitchen Table or Family Gatherings & Told , Swapped &  Listened to Stories...Some True, Some Fiction, Some Fanciful, Funny or Entertaining...In today's World what people call "Entertaining, Insightful, Funny or Inspiring is LACKING...It's more akin to the Hot Air Coming out of a MULE'S ASS!.. I guess the Day's of Storytellers has  long past into the night Quietly & it didn't help that it was Drowned out by the "Bad Sounds & Vibes" of Propaganda Radio, Television  now the Internet Vehicles like Facebook, Google, You Tube & Twitter...

Think about it, today's world is more like the "Circus Has Come To Town" on LSD...Freaks everywhere...Guys with Breasts & Girls with Penises & probably some things (if Possible) in between ....We have plenty of Side-Show Barkers, Al Sharpton, Nancy Pelosi, Fruitcake Obama , not withstanding the Hollywood & Washington Brotherhood of Pedophile's...Come one, come all into our world of hate, you'll never be disappointed there is room inside our place, we can set the world on fire & More, we can burn it to the ground, the illusion is your reality & your brain is at the lost & found!  I don't know about you but I keep looking for "Rod Serling" & the intro Music for "The Twilight Zone!" And if you Dare to Gaze at the Fools Parading in Washington DC all you'll see is "Shape-Shifters" ....I'm beginning to believe that the Hippies, the CIA or, did in fact put LSD into the Water Supply...Look at California & New York City....They should be "Prime Time Examples" of what DRUG & ALCOHOL ABUSE & ADDICTION" can do to the Body & Mind..Forget the soul they haven't one...

Any more all I see is a "Continuum of Staged Events" across this land with the only GOAL being Death to the AMERICA of the Old,,,No more Nationalism, no more Pride, no more Victories & no more American Dream...Welcome to "Socialist America" the land of Idiots, Fools, Freaks, Fruitcakes & Zombies...I'm starting to believe the "Apocalypse" is happening now....The Stage is being Set to Remove ALL that we ever were to  make way for the Zionist Dreams of CONTROL over Everything....Self-Annotated Messiahs....But isn't the Question really about SANITY...Who's the Craziest; the Self-Annotated Messiahs  or the People who Allowed this Ship to SINK like the Titanic? Having said that "Dead is Dead is Dead" It's not so much that we can't learn , but it's more telling in the FACT most weren't Taught anything....Trained Monkeys in a Cage or Lab...take your pick.

Now that the Sewer Rats have turned into "Frankenstein Monsters" & ask yourself what's the Endgame...Is there a Final Solution to the Ills we've allowed to devour us like a Cancer? Personally I don't see one, because of the "Lack of Will, Lack of Faith & Lack of Leadership" ...In today's world if I walked up to the Podium & stated "Mary Had A Little Lamb" some Frigging Ignorant Liberal would say "WOW" what a great Idea... You can Forget the the old cliche "Mind Over Matter" crap...If there's no body Minding the Store, nothing will Matter....

All it took to change this world was a Generation of Raised Narcissistic Spoiled Brats who were TRAINED to Bitch & Cry about everything..They can't Think on their own, read, write, comprehend,understand, much less reason....Evidently they were raised to be Ignorant Slaves for the Masters (Bastards) of the Universe ....What a Life, does or can it get better than this?

How telling it is that the "Peace & Love Generation" raised the Generation of Mindless Haters, Flakes & Fakes... I guess life for them is one Endless Bad Song, LETS ALL JOIN IN ON THE CHORUS ...well I will take a pass on this one


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