Mueller investigation built upon lies and criminal behavior?
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Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson |
The plots and collusion of the anti-Trump league, both before and after the election, resemble those of a third world nation. In the opinion of many, that is precisely what America had become during the previous administration.
The Democrat party, the FBI, and the DOJ have fallen from grace. Deep State Leftists remain within in the bureaucracy attempting to aid and abet the coup of a democratically elected President. The #neverTrump elements of the GOP are no better.
The following post is an excellent discussion of the Fusion GPS outright prevarication and deception regarding the so-called "inside source". The story they produced helped to send the ball rolling for the miasma known as the Trump/Russian collusion
Now that this element of a traitorous coup attempt has been exposed, what is the next step.
Why attack the President's sanity and use the 25th amendment, of course. However, that is another discussion.
by Kevin Jackson | Jan 14, 2018
So now America has more verification of what we already knew.
The supposed “inside source” to the Trump campaign was a lie. As is the entire “Russian collusion” story.
The fact is, Fusion GPS fabricated a story, based on bar talk. Thus the company retreated in its early declaration.
According to the transcript, this ‘internal source’ confirmed the claims in the dossier to the FBI. Fusion GPS used this language to give the 35-page work of fiction more credibility. Based on a December 30th New York Times article, most interested observers concluded the Trump campaign mole was George Papadopoulos.
Next, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) secretly released the transcript of the August 2017 full testimony from Fusion GPS. With some prodding, Feinstein admitted she has released the transcript to public at the request of Fusion GPS lawyers.
Under the scrutiny of a much more savvy public, the transcript raised red flags. Thus Fusion GPS now says the claim that the FBI had an “internal source” was “mischaracterized”.
The correction to Simpson’s original state as reported by The Washington Times:
Glenn Simpson, the Fusion GPS founder who sponsored the unverified anti-Trump dossier, claimed in August and again Jan. 2 that the FBI has a source inside the Trump camp who lent credence to the document.
When a transcript of his secret August testimony was released on Tuesday, news headlines immediately latched onto the disclosure as a boon to a dossier whose core charges of Donald Trump-Russia collusion have been denied and not confirmed publicly.Then suddenly, as quick as the headlines went up, some one close to Fusion was waving off reporters. Mr. Simpson had “mischaracterized” the source. It was not some one on the Trump inside, but apparently an Australian diplomat.
So it was clear that Simpson knew the document, cleverly call a “dossier” was pure fantasy, the wet dream of the Obama administration and the Hillary Clinton campaign.
The sources were sketchy at best, and outright lies at worse.The article continues,
He was featured in a Dec. 30 New York Times story as the source who tipped off the FBI. Campaign volunteer George Papadopoulos told him over drinks that a Russian-linked professor knew of “thousands” of Hillary Clinton emails in the hands of Moscow.Simpson essentially lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Then in an attempt to cover his ass, he got the New York Times to back his play. So the Obama administration, a crook crony capitalist dedicated to the Clinton, and a power media giant colluded against a private citizen.
How Mr. Simpson knew of the diplomat last August was unclear. He would have known of him in January when he wrote an op-ed in the New York Times in which he again told of an insider source.
“As we told the Senate Judiciary Committee in August, our sources said the dossier was taken so seriously because it corroborated reports the bureau had received from other sources, including one inside the Trump camp,” he wrote.
Recall on multiple occasions Barack Obama declared that Donald Trump would not be president. Now we know why.
The fix was in. And the Leftists wonder why we elected Donald Trump to drain the swamp.This investigation is now in its fifth version of officially over. I’m not sure what it will take for Mueller to kill it, however.
The only direction Mueller can go is utter destruction of the Democratic Party. The amount of criminal misconduct on display by the Democrats boggles the mind.
Ken Dilanian works for NBC News’ Investigative Unit as an Intelligence and national security, based in DC. He has been friendly to Fusion GPS, yet he tweeted the following:
A source close to Fusion GPS tells me there was no walk-in source — that was a mischaracterization by Simpson of the Australian diplomat tip about Papadopoulis.— Ken Dilanian (@KenDilanianNBC) January 9, 2018
A second source confirms: Steele was not told about a walk-in source. That was a mistake. He was referring to Papadopoulos, via the Australian diplomat.— Ken Dilanian (@KenDilanianNBC) January 9, 2018
Next, it was an attempt to cover-up the original crime.
And now we know why Fusion GPS redacted the name of the “insider” to the Trump campaign. Because there was none.
Source: Kevin Jackson The Black Sphere
Knowledge Is Power: The Realistic Observer is a non-profit blog dedicated to bringing as much truth as possible to the readers.
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