There are moments & times to remember
They were answered prayers from yesterday
We laughed, we cried as did all the others
Yet somehow we still found our way
The greatest treasures lies within the givers
They are our families & our friends
They speak from the heart with only convection
All they asked for was for us not to give in
Not all of us are are tested soldiers
Sometimes we battle with our faith
Some shine the light for all the others
If not for them we wouldn't even know this place
If we had no one to guide us
What kind of place would this be
It would be cold & heartless
And no one would ever believe
My wish for us all is substance
For the spirit & soul need that to live on
Fellowship comes when we share those thoughts
For our moments are short & then they're gone
Most of us were raised by the scriptures
And we know the story by heart
But we should be mindful while reminiscing
This is our stage till we part
This world is adrift in life's ocean
And we all seek safe shelter on the shore
And we need to be humbled by all the others
Who gave us the courage to open the doors
So tonight on the Eve of Christmas
I pray you find the peace that we all need
Its more than a matter of just surrender
It takes real courage to plant love's seeds
We've shared this road for many a mile
We've played, we've worked and yes we've lived
Yet we could have never found our way
Without the Eternal Light that gives
This is Christmas
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