European citizens now forced to accept dhimmitude and outright depravity
Conquest by migration and overtaking a culture by sheer numbers is becoming a roaring success in Europe. For whatever reason, and there are many theories, the EU leadership has been either willingly blind or intellectually lacking regarding the possible present and future consequences of the "refugee" problem.
One plausible theory is that the destabilization of several Middle Eastern countries was deliberate in order to force their inhabitants to flee to safety..
In the beginning, many legitimate refugees were sent to Europe and the U.S. under UN dictated quotas. Gradually and then abruptly not only were the "refugees" obviously younger and/or violent young men, but migrants from sub-Saharan nations joined the party. These people were not from war torn nations but were largely able bodied young men. Nonetheless, they were welcomed with open arms by the soft-brained nations who had no idea what they were in for. (Or perhaps the various leaderships were)
For the totalitarian Globalists to succeed, the values and culture of Western Civilization must be destroyed. What better way than to induce Hijrah, conquest by a totalitarian ideology via an invasion, er migration, which would overwhelm and destroy host nations.
Can or will America stand alone against the scourge of such a worldwide totalitarian system despite its enemies within?
For a complete discussion regarding Hijrah go here
The following three articles give a discussion of the numbers in Europe and what they mean for the future.
How Many Muslims in Europe? Pew's Projections Fall Short
by Soeren Kern
December 14, 2017 at 5:00 am
- Pew's baseline estimate of the number of Muslims currently in Europe — the estimate upon which its future projections are calculated — has been undercounted by at least five million Muslims.
- The UCIDE figures — which posit that there are roughly 750,000 more Muslims in Spain today than the estimate proffered by Pew — are widely recognized in Spain as the most accurate assessment of the Muslim population in that country. It remains unclear why Pew failed to mention the UCIDE report in its source appendix.
- In Germany, Pew "decided not to count" the one million plus Muslim asylum seekers who arrived in the country in 2015/2016 because "they are not expected to receive refugee status."
- The Pew report entirely ignores the key issue of how Europe will integrate tens of millions of Muslim migrants whose values — including anti-Semitism, polygamy, female genital mutilation and honor violence — cannot be reconciled with those of Europe's Judeo-Christian and liberal-democratic heritage.
Europe's Muslim population is set to double — and possibly triple — between now and 2050, according to new projections by the Pew Research Center.
The projections, contained in a report, "Europe's Growing Muslim Population," confirm what has long been common knowledge: decades of declining European birthrates, coupled with mass migration from the Muslim world, are fast-tracking the Islamization of Europe. More here
Insanity on SteroidsThe projections, contained in a report, "Europe's Growing Muslim Population," confirm what has long been common knowledge: decades of declining European birthrates, coupled with mass migration from the Muslim world, are fast-tracking the Islamization of Europe. More here
Protests Rage in Sweden After Cops Tell Women To ‘Stay Inside’ To Avoid Gang Rapes
By Geller Report Staff
Sweden is swirling with controversy after government officials told women to “stay inside” and off the streets in order to keep from being gang raped.
How’s that for protecting the perpetrators?
But this is a trend that’s been a long time in coming as this video notes: continue for entire article and video
Islamist Depravity Accepted and accommodated:
Animal Brothels Open in Germany as Migrant Population Hits 22 Percent
It is estimated that around 2.3 million people in Germany have familial links to the Middle East, a 51 percent increase since 2011. Similarly, the population of those whose families came from Africa stands at around 750,000, a 46 percent increase since 2011.
Meanwhile, and potentially entirely unrelated … the U.K. Daily Mail just reported on a substantial rise in cases of bestiality within Germany over the same time period, so much so that “animal brothels” have actually become a thing.
Yes, you read that correctly — bestiality, also known as zoophilia, the practice of humans having sexual relations with animals, is a growing trend and “lifestyle choice” in the prominent central European nation.
A livestock protection and animal welfare officer named Madeleine Martin is now warning government officials that laws must be put in place to stop the rapid spread of these brothels that allow and encourage people to have sex with animals.
Continue here, if you have the stomach to go on dhimmitude
Laws to protect animals but not women, children or even men from being "deservedly" raped???/
Knowledge Is Power: The Realistic Observer is a non-profit blog dedicated to bringing as much truth as possible to the readers.
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