A Robert Mueller, George Soros connection?
Well well, we knew Mueller was not an upstanding guy, but in a financial web connected to ole George and the Russians?
Let us state the obvious. Had such a financial connection between Trump and the Russians been uncovered, we all know what the results would have been. Proof positive that Trump and the Russians were in collusion to get him elected! The result, impeachment and removal from office.
It has been said that the reason the Dems were pushing so hard to "get Trump" was to cover up their own crimes. The more information that is unearthed, the more truth to the aforementioned statement.
The following post lays out some very detailed financial data for those who enjoy going into the weeds.
Conflict of Interest: Did Robert Mueller Invest In Hedge Funds Tied to George Soros and Russia?
Special investigator Robert Mueller appears not only to have a questionable history for the investigation he is involved in, but also a conflict of interest with regards to investments he made in hedge funds tied to Russia and George Soros.
Not only has it been revealed that Robert Mueller delivered Uranium to the Russians during a secret tarmac meeting in 2009, but he has hired Clinton cronies to aid in his investigation of the alleged without evidence collusion of the Trump administration with Russia.
Wikileaks’ release of classified State Department wires showed in part:
“Director Mueller previously planned to deliver the sample in April (Ref A), but due to a scheduling conflict the trip was canceled. Embassy Moscow LegAtt informed the FSB prior to Mueller’s intended April delivery and received confirmation that the FSBwould take custody of the sample after the Director’s plane landed. EST Moscow also informed Rosatom of the planned transfer and that the U.S. placed a high priority on completing this transfer (Ref B). Once the LegAtt told FSB counterparts the April trip had been canceled, Ambassador Beyrle informed Igor Neverov (Ref C), who said that he understood but was disappointed the trip was postponed. The September 21 visit provides again an opportunity to deliver the requested ten-gram sample from the seized HEU in order to obtain cooperation from the GOR on this nuclear smuggling case and to eventually establish a more productive mechanism of U.S.-Russian cooperation on nuclear forensics.”
Now, it's coming out that Mueller has his own ties to Russia and to billionaire political interferer George Soros.
A special investigation into the matter was uncovered by Offended America.
They report:
An Offended America investigation has revealed that Robert Mueller’s holdings in a fund of funds expose him to Russian investments and to hedge funds tied to George Soros. Mueller’s exclusive hedge funds were not open to the general public, but rather wealthy private accredited investors. The minimum investment in several of the funds is $10 Million.
Mueller’s Russian Financial Interests
Mueller has been an investor in Mellon Optima L/S Strategy Fund, LLC for many years, according to his financial disclosures. That fund consists of holdings of other hedge funds in a structure commonly referred to as a “fund of funds”.
According to 2017 SEC Filings, one of the funds held by the Mellon Optima L/S Strategy Fund is the OCCO Eastern European Fund, run by Charlemagne Capital. The fund released a performance overview on August 31st that said in part:
“August was a relatively quiet month for markets and a strong one for the portfolio. The NAV gained 142 bps over the month. Russia was again the main driver with supportive contributions from other markets.”
Performance Review of the OCCO Eastern European Fund
Another hedge fund that Robert Mueller disclosed owning was Defenders Multi-Strategy Hedge Fund, LLC. This hedge fund wass run by William P. Sauer, who has been sued by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for running two separate Ponzi Schemes. Sauer ultimately settled the lawsuits for $5 million.
This hedge fund did business under 4 different names during its 9 years of existence.
1. 2002‐2004: Ivy Multi‐Strategy Hedge Fund LLC
2. 2004‐2009: BNY Ivy Multi‐Strategy Hedge Fund LLC
3. 2009‐2010: Defenders Multi‐Strategy Hedge Fund LLC
4. 2010‐2011: Ivy Asset Management LLC
“Ivy Asset Management”, as it was known at the time, fed clients into Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi Scheme and eventually paid $200 million to settle complaints associated with alleged misconduct surrounding this investment. The FBI never investigated any of the people or entities associated with the Defenders Multistrategy hedge fund or other funds that Mueller has invested in.
The hedge fund at the center of these allegations of wrongdoing never faced investigations from the FBI, and produced profits for Robert Mueller, who headed up the FBI when the allegations were made, prompting the SEC began their investigation.
That's not all. Offended America also uncovered ties to George Soros.
In 2013, Mueller was invested with a fund of funds called Mellon Optima. Mellon Optima invested a portion its funds in Karsch Capital a fund managed by Michael Karsh, who worked for Soros Fund Management before leaving the firm in 2000, according to Reuters. Stanley Druckenmiller, the trader who infamously broke the Bank of England, netting over $1 billion in a single day when he worked alongside George Soros, personally provided seed capital to Karsch Capital.My Comment: Apologies, one will need a magnifying glass to read the following:
SEC Disclosures reveal that the fund of funds that Mueller holds, Mellon Optima, also invested in Highbridge Long/Short Equity Fund. Alec McAree, who is the Managing Director of Highbridge, previously worked as a Managing Director for Soros Fund Management according to a Highbridge press release.
Alex Soros, son of hedge fund billionaire and anti-Trump money-man George Soros, revealed his close relationship with New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman in an Instagram post. Politico previously reported that Mueller has teamed up with New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s office. Sources told Politico that Schneiderman is currently working together with Mueller in an investigation regarding the financial dealings of President Trump and members of the 2016 Trump Campaign.

Great to meet with #newyork attorney general @ericschneiderman who recognized that @realdonaldtrump was a fraud way before many and has courageously taken him on!
Obviously, this questions the conflict of interest that Mueller has in the investigation, but then again, Mueller is not the most trustworthy person when it comes to investigations.
The FBI, under Meuller, colluded with Obama’s IRS/DOJ to try to jail Obama’s political opponents.
On Thursday, September 8th FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III personally handed former Islamic cleric and Homeland Security adviser Mohamed Elibiary the Louis E. Peters Memorial Service Award for 2011 in front of an audience of over five hundred retired Directors (ie. Judge William Webster who was Director of not just the FBI but also the CIA), a couple of dozen national security and law enforcement VIPs and several hundred retired FBI officials.
The Peters Award is the highest honor awarded annually to a civilian by the FBI whose assistance was invaluable in a major investigation. This year signified the first time it was given to someone working in the Homegrown Violent Extremism sphere that the American Muslim community has been struggling with post 9/11
It was a closed-door ceremony in a banquet hall without media, a bit like the scene in the movie Charlie Wilson’s War where the CIA gives him their highest civilian award for all he did to help remove the Soviets from Afghanistan. Two of the cases, in which I played the unique role of having one hand stretched out to the FBI and the other hand stretched out to local Muslim community leadership across multiple cities, were shared.
Meuller is the same guy that believes violating the Fourth Amendment with drones is acceptable.
If Robert Mueller was honorable, in the manner James Comey says he is, then he would recuse himself from the investigation, but then again, Comey has his own conflicts of interest when it comes to Hillary Clinton.
via: Freedom Outpost
Knowledge Is Power: The Realistic Observer is a non-profit blog dedicated to bringing as much truth as possible to the readers.
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